Department of Inconvenient Truths
Indicium Parilis Facultas ne Necessarius Veritas

MPA, RIAA, DMCA. Need I say more? Why yes, I shall.

16.05.2003 (2:59 am) – Filed under: Politika Scope

This is un-fucking-believable. The MPA now says it’s illegal to post song lyrics on websites. Ok, first off, I don’t go to these sites and read the lyrics but the people that do, should have that right. Why? It’s simple, these words are spoken to the public, on the radio, they have a RIGHT to know what’s being said when MOST of the time, you can’t understand a fucking thing that’s being said by the person singing…. Hell, maybe that’s the point, maybe the MPA is trying to protect the artists (!?) by not allowing their drivel to be read and understood… Ha! Ain’t that a thought? Actually reading and seeing the trash that’s being played on the airwaves? Here’s the deal, not unlike thousands of other clear thinking people out there, I won’t purchase another piece of software, another music CD or another DVD, ever. Period. Fuck you MPA, kiss my ass DMCA, and screw you RIAA. Never, ever, will I purchase another piece of “intellectual material”. I will use free, open source software and download FREE mp3’s from new artists, from legitimate websites. I won’t listen to music radio, if I feel the need to listen to something while driving down the road, I’ll listen to talk radio, where I can hear intelligent people speak rather than listen to the dull drone of “music” artists. I quit going to the movies around 3 years ago, wasn’t that about the time Star Wars Episode I came out? Well, that was the last movie I went to see… so that’s no big deal. I won’t even download the mp3’s or vid’s on Kazaa/WinMX just for the sheer fact that doing so, even in it’s miniscule way, supports the artists involved in this entire thing.

Here’s a couple links to show you what’s going on:

P.S.: Oh yea, just remembered something else… I just called and had HBO cancelled. I’ll watch TV because it’s provided by sponsors that actually PRODUCE something. Writing a fucking song or piece of software that’s marketed/owned by companies such as Micro$haft isn’t what I call “production”. Keep your fucking software and music lyrics you sons-o’-bitches, I’ll get mine from free sources.