Department of Inconvenient Truths
Indicium Parilis Facultas ne Necessarius Veritas

To All U.S. Senators and the House of Representatives

Vote NO! on Senate Bill 1867

Section 1031 essentially repeals the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 by authorizing the U.S. military to perform law enforcement functions on American soil.


Senate Bill 1867 is the precursor to a totalitarian state within America. A vote of “Yes” is a vote against law abiding citizens of West Virginia and the United States of America and their civil rights. One section of these provisions, section 1031, would be interpreted as allowing the military to capture and indefinitely detain American citizens on U.S. soil. Section 1031 essentially repeals the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 by authorizing the U.S. military to perform law enforcement functions on American soil.


No matter what “good” can come out of this bill, allowing the military to provide police functions outside the scope of the Posse Comitatus Act of 1978, is by and large, setting the stage to allow our government to run “free will” and without due process toward the people that elect you to office.


If you support this bill, you are supporting a virtual perpetual motion machine to be established in Washington. An unstoppable force to trample on the rights of the people of the United States. The military must not be allowed to be used as a police force within the United States. It was never their intended goal. If this is allowed, at some point in the future, those in office can easily abuse this power and do away with even more rights of the people.

This isn’t coming from some conspiratorial nut job. This is coming from someone with strong ties to the community, a volunteer with the Lions Club, an IOOF brother and a lifelong volunteer fire fighter. I am well educated and have always been able to find a job, no matter what the job market was like. I served in the military. I am part of the strong stitching that makes up the fabric of America and I am shocked, appalled and extremely irritated that this could even be a consideration by our government.

Contrary to what some posters are implying, the bill DOES NOT exclude U.S. citizens:

Senate Bill 1867, Section 1032(b):

    (b) Applicability to United States Citizens and Lawful Resident Aliens-
    • (1) UNITED STATES CITIZENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.
    • (2) LAWFUL RESIDENT ALIENS- The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to a lawful resident alien of the United States on the basis of conduct taking place within the United States, except to the extent permitted by the Constitution of the United States.

Notice is says “Requirement”. That in itself DOES NOT EXCLUDE U.S. Citizens. That only means they’re not REQUIRED to detain U.S. citizens, however, it’s doesn’t say they cannot detain.

The deniers are trying heavily to stem the flow of information about this bill.

Under normal circumstances, this bill would fly by without a word being said. But due to the current climate within America, this bill is under scrutiny. Some have already said “This is the same as the reauthorization bill for the military that we see year after year.” And perhaps it is, however this time, the right people were reading the bill(s) and found out that the government is trying to hoo-doo the people.

Write to your Congressmen and let them know we’re against this!



More Evidence of a World Gone Mad

Just because the main stream media doesn’t cover something, does not mean it’s not true, truthful or real.

First, the EU has determined that water isn’t healthy. That’s correct. Don’t think I am trying to bullshit you. They (the EU), released a report that’s taken 3 years to generate, stating that water isn’t healthy and doesn’t relieve dehydration.

After a meeting in Italy a delegation of scientists concluded that reduced water content in the body was a symptom of dehydration rather than a risk factor that drinking water could control. Now their verdict has been turned into a regulation that will become UK law by December 6 and is bound to send shockwaves through the soft drinks industry.

The bizarre diktat from Brussels has far-reaching implications for member states, including Britain, as no water sold in the EU can now claim to protect against dehydration.

Any producer breaching the order, signed by European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, faces being jailed for up to two years. It took the 21 scientists on the panel three years of analysis into the link between water and dehydration to come to their extraordinary conclusion.

Now let’s see here, how should I reply to this?


They’re fucking nuts.

Too many eggheads in one basket?



They’re in so much financial trouble over there and they finance a study and the conclusion is this? Everyone on the planet not only knows it’s common sense that water re-hydrates you, it’s the basic and essential need of every animal on earth. How do we know this without their scientific knowledge, experience and “proof”, because if we don’t drink water, we die. Sure, you can drink other stuff to replace water, but it has water in it. Without the water, you wouldn’t have the “other stuff”. Without water = death. With water = life. Living vs. Death. Seems to me the epitome of being “healthy”.


Fucking idiots.


Addendum 7-3-2013:

Now, American Journalists are producing headlines concerning American medical professionals stating that we Americans are dehydrated and in serious need of more water in our daily lives!

Dehydration is one of the easiest conditions to reverse, according to doctors, but it is also one of the most commonly overlooked. It can contribute to a long list of medical conditions from respiratory and circulation problems to headaches, ulcers, high blood pressure and kidney disease.

“Sixty-percent of our bodies are composed of water, 75 percent in our muscles, 85 percent in our brains, it’s like oil to a machine,” explained Dr. Roberta Lee.

Most people know that they are supposed to drink water, but up to 75 percent of Americans may be functioning in a chronic state of dehydration, according to new research.

“We have a tendency in the U.S. to drink a lot of beverages that are mildly dehydrating,” said Mary Grace Webb, Assistant Director for Clinical Nutrition at New York Hospital.

How can this be?

First, how can CBS justify not backing the .eu folks? You know, all of the mainstream media outlets think anything european is great! and everything in America is crap!

Second, one must assume that if both sides are touting completely opposite opinions, one side is correct, the other side is incorrect. Who will make the monumental judgement as to who is correct?



ACORN, aka New York Communities for Change, Knee Deep in “Occupy” Movement

As I’ve said since the beginning of this “occupy” movement in major cities, this is all a big sham backed by the likes of George Soros and other major socialist/liberal elite players. This isn’t a “grass roots” effort, such as the Tea Party is/was.

Contrary to what people may believe, the Tea Party isn’t a Republican thing. It’s not racist, it’s not something started by the 1% such as the Koch brothers. The modern Tea Party movement has it’s roots in American History, all the way back to the original Tea Party. An uprising of Colonists against taxation without representation. The modern Tea Party member also believes in the American Constitution, something that completely insults the socialists of today.

About a week ago, ACORN was unmasked (aka NYCC) as spear heading the “occupy” movement. The NYCC, which is a direct descendent of ACORN, was recently tied to financially backing the “occupy” movement on Wall Street. Reporters were made aware of several key NYCC players being involved in offering payment to individuals willing to participate in OW. Also of interest, various fund raisers were noted to be using false information to obtain money from New Yorkers while going door-to-door, misrepresenting themselves as other entities seeking funding. This money was then used to support protestors, volunteers and homeless people recruited to work the OW scene.

Now, it looks as though ACORN/NYCC have been caught up in even more corruption.

Officials with the revamped ACORN office in New York — operating as New York Communities for Change — have fired staff, shredded reams of documents and told workers to blame disgruntled ex-employees for leaking information in an effort to explain away a report last week on the group’s involvement in Occupy Wall Street protests, according to sources.NYCC also is installing surveillance cameras and recording devices at its Brooklyn offices, removing or packing away supplies bearing the name ACORN and handing out photos of Fox News staff with a stern warning not to talk to the media, the sources said.

Read more:

As you already well know, the only job Barrack Hussein Obama ever held prior to becoming a career politician was a “community organizer”, working for/with the likes of William Ayers, you know, good ‘ole Bill Ayers, one of the WeatherUnderground folks that BOMBED A U.S. GOVERNMENT BUILDING! Yea, good ‘ole Bill has some big ties to ACORN as well…. so does good ‘ole Barry.


Dept. of Education SWAT Team Forcibly Enters Man’s Home

The Department of Education, probably using the shotguns I mention in this article, recently made a SWAT Team Forcible Entry into a man’s home in search of his estranged wife for “student loan” violations.

Folks, we’re living in a “Police State”. Make no bones about it. They have us by the short-hairs and they’re pulling with all of their might.

Read more about it here:

Government Gone Wild!

Congressman at Town Hall: ‘The Federal Government Can Do Most Anything in This Country’


22.07.2010 (1:18 pm) – Filed under: Section 8 - Government

The debate in Ann Arbor, where firefighters are being laid off due to a multimillion dollar budget deficit, is over an $850,000 piece of art.

There are people out there struggling financially, and here we are spending a large amount of money on a piece of art. Kunselman said the city is also eliminating the solid waste coordinator from the budget, which oversees trash pickup, and hiring an art coordinator.

City Administrator Roger Fraser wrote in an e-mail that the solid waste coordinator position was eliminated as a cost-cutting measure because the solid waste millage had decreased. Fraser wrote that the art coordinator position would be paid for by the public art fund.