Department of Inconvenient Truths
Indicium Parilis Facultas ne Necessarius Veritas

Colonel Flagg. The online persona of the person appearing in these blogs. Taken from the T.V. Show “M*A*S*H”, this persona illustrates my outlook on several ideals in American Life. Colonel Flagg, the M*A*S*H character was a self-absorbed individual employed by H.Q. (did you say H.Q.? Who said anything about H.Q.?) and/or some other TLA (T hree L etter A gency) to either spy-on or simply report on, the 4077th M*A*S*H unit. In turn, Colonel Flagg went about things in a very disorganized and haphazard manner.

Contrary to this character on T.V., our real life Colonel Flagg, well, the one you’re reading about here in this blog, is a very logical and thoroughly anal son of a bitch. To the point of, our Colonel Flagg pays particular attention to the rules and bends them ever so much as to stay within the boundaries, yet pissing people off in the process. That statement is directly tuned toward my fellow admins on Battlefield servers and a few other places of no real consequence. On the other hand, when dealing with practices and procedures in the real world, whether at work or when dealing with the Volunteer Fire Service, Colonel Flagg is about as anal, logical and thorough as one can be. This reflects the many facets that make up a complex personality. One which is surrounded by varying degrees of intelligence, ignorance and experience, in one field or another. My “intellect” is based on the FACT that I know nothing about everything and a lot about a few things.

Within these blog pages, you will find a plethora of useless information or myriad of awe inspiring wisdom (everything in my world is relative to the standard in which YOU measure it. I cannot control your actions, but I do however need to react to them.) All of my philosophy is free for the taking. All I ask for in return is that you open your mind to a different way of thinking. If you cannot think outside the box, simply stay in the box, shut your fucking mouth and never speak to me.