Department of Inconvenient Truths
Indicium Parilis Facultas ne Necessarius Veritas

So you think I am a conservative nut?

24.07.2003 (3:05 am) – Filed under: Politika Scope

Guess what moron, you’re wrong. I thought I leaned heavily to the conservative side… I’ve never thought myself to be a right-wing extremist, but I thought I leaned right.. guess what? I don’t.

Take a look at this image then come back in here and visit this link. Take the test yourself. Be as forthright and honest as I was. I gave my answers truthfully and honestly. You do the same and see where you lean.

Oh yea, don’t be an idiot and mis-read everything on the test. Make sure you read it thoroughly. If you’re too stupid to understand something, look it up: The test is really easy, but you never can tell, you may be a moron.