Department of Inconvenient Truths
Indicium Parilis Facultas ne Necessarius Veritas

Presidential Campaign – 2008

11.12.2006 (3:25 am) – Filed under: Interesting Theories

Post-Election Addition:

Looks like I was dead wrong. Although it baffles me that the American People would allow another Socialist in the Whitehouse, I somehow also understand it. People are fickle especially Americans. With the entire world breathing down our necks, attempting to get us to do their bidding and a strong American President such as George Bush telling them all to go fuck themselves, there’s no wonder the fickle-Americans came out to the polls and voted once in their lives.

U.S. Presidential Election 2008.

This will be short and sweet. If Hillary Clinton and/or Barack Hussein Obama are to be the “front runners” for the democratic party for president in 2008, we’ll see another republican in the white house, even if it’s Dick Cheney or Donald Rumsfeld. Furthermore, I’d be highly surprised if someone didn’t try to put a bullet in either’s head.

UPDATE (11-30-2007): A man has entered the Clinton campaign headquarters in Rodchester New Hampshire with explosives (or what looks to be explosives) strapped to himself. Upon entering, he asked to speak to Hillary.

UPDATE (12-3-2007): Looks like this guy was a kook, not a patriot. From what the news has stated, he had “road flares” taped to his body to make it look like explosives.

UPDATE (1-3-2008):“…DES MOINES, Iowa — A man with a knife was arrested inside a campaign headquarters of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton in Decorah in northeast Iowa, police said Wednesday.” Check out this link: this link.

11-8-2008: Well, it’s really hard for me to believe, but the American people decided to elect Barack Obama to the Presidency. In years to come, someone will shed a bit more light on the subject and say something that I can believe to be the reason it happened. Perhaps as a people, in whole, we’re ashamed of being in battle after battle in Muslim countries and therefore, we’ve accepted a Muslim name into the seat of president. I don’t really know why, but it has happened. Just in case all doesn’t go well, I’ve loaded up all my weapons and await the coming of the anti-christ. j/k ~g