Department of Inconvenient Truths
Indicium Parilis Facultas ne Necessarius Veritas

If Foreigners Could Vote….

26.03.2008 (3:03 pm) – Filed under: Politika Scope

If Foreigners Could Vote in the U.S. 2008 Election……


Say what?

Here’s an excerpt from a Wall Street Journal article:

“…U.S. presidential contests often attract interest from foreign countries. The world’s sole superpower has such an impact on the globe that, as a Belgian newspaper recently suggested, the rest of the world may feel it should be allowed to vote, too.”

Um, I believe that’s one of the reasons the Magna Carta, the U.S. Constitution, the U.S. Bill of Rights, The Declaration of Independance, etc. was written…. ehh?

Of course, one might say, since a large percentage of America has been sold to foreign interests, this foreign interests should have a vote?

That article of course mentions that the U.S. is the sole “Super Power” in the World today. That in itself means one thing: No, foreigners don’t have a right to vote here and when/if you really think you do, step up to the plate and take a good ass kicking. We ARE the sole super power on the globe today, there’s nothing militarily that you can do about it. Why? Because we will kick your ever-lovin’ guts lose. Don’t like it? Who the fuck cares? America isn’t the World’s Police Force and shouldn’t be used as such. We do the bidding of the United Nations, NATO and every other bleeding heart mother fucker out there. It’s time to take care of business, at home.

It’s time to close the borders, cut off foreign aid to anything but PURE HUMANITARIAN REASONS. No more bolstering the economies of foreign governments, no more “special trade agreements” and “most favored nation” status’ for other countries.

We should not mettle. It’s wrong for the U.S. to put it’s noses in the business of other countries. On the other hand, it’s none of the other country’s business what we’re up to. Isolationism didn’t work for FDR because we couldn’t project the power that we didn’t have. I believe that point is pretty well moot at this juncture. We have the power. We don’t need to project it. Let someone give us a try and see what happens to them…. Oh wait, the Taleban felt our wrath in the hills of Afghanistan after Pearl Harbor 2001, so did Saddam and Iraq.

Should we pull out of Iraq? Absolutely. Just as soon as they give us enough oil to repay the debts incurred during our total annihilation of Saddam’s regime. We’re the victor. To the victor go the spoils. Don’t like it? Suck it. Don’t like that? Suck another one. Remember, we have the power to do whatever, whenever, we want. We’ve gotten rid of one of the worst mass murderers in history, twice. In WWII, we didn’t see much of the spoils of war. In Iraq, we should hold the pink slips to dozens of oil fields, refineries, etc. Giving those up because some little pissant country like France whines about it is moronic. Simply place a couple dozen tank divisions in Paris, a carrier group or two in the Med and spin up an air-wing or two in Germany, what the fuck is France gonna do about it? Just look upFrench Military Victories in Google and hit the “I feel Lucky” button.

I’ll guarantee I am not the only Red Blooded American that feels this way and I know for a fact the feeling is becoming more widespread as the days go by.