Department of Inconvenient Truths
Indicium Parilis Facultas ne Necessarius Veritas

this is simply outrageous….

23.03.2009 (11:12 pm) – Filed under: Politika Scope,Unmitigated Sons of Bitches

of course i hate the media. especially smart-assed punk bitches that sit behind a mic and poke fun at everything coming and going. must be the reason i don’t spend much time watching comedians. i pretty much hate watching people be made a fool of. sure, in real-life, among friends, it’s ok to poke at each other from time to time… i don’t really like seeing folks being poked at over a shortcoming, other than sheer stupidity from a semi-intelligent person. no, if a person is mentally handicapped, i don’t like to see them on the receiving end of something… but this, this simply takes the cake:

Check this out.

Most of the time, I like FoxNews. I believe the actual news programs are more fairly balanced than the weak minded leftist sympathizers at CNN. The other cable news programs are mostly trash. I cannot believe they’d allow something like this to air. It baffles me that a professional organization like FoxNews would allow this. Canadians and their military have been one of our best allies through the ages. I am disgraced than America would be represented in this manner.

Just another reflection of the mind-set of 20ish and 30-something Americans and how they attempt to make a joke out of everything. Grow up people. It’s about time we took things more seriously and got out of the comedy routines.