Department of Inconvenient Truths
Indicium Parilis Facultas ne Necessarius Veritas

There’s nothing common about “Common Sense”.

09.12.2010 (1:32 pm) – Filed under: Dirge for the Repose of the Moronic,Pro Bono Philosophy

Common Sense, as we knew it, is no more. It’s gone. The vast majority of reasonable people in this World have given into the spin that’s inundating our societies. Nothing is truthful any more. No matter what is talked about, written about or videoed in real-time, caught on film with witnesses to the effect thereof, nothing is truthful. Everything has an angle and someone out there can spin it out of control and outside the realm of reality. Something someone says on video tape, with witnesses to the effect is spun in each direction possible by a plethora of detractors and supporters from every corner of the societies involved. Someone can go on stage and simply state “The car was red.” From that point forward, the truth becomes a matter of media corruption. And, it’s not just the media that’s involved in this type of whoring of data. It’s the common every day folk. One person reads a slant to an event on Facebook that someone else has posted from a fringe website and everything completely balloons out of proportion from that point forward.

Let’s take the case of the Dept. of Agriculture rep Shirley Sherrod and how the video of her was spun in both directions because the originating poster, (Breitbart) cropped the video (please don’t say ‘edited’ as that implies, at least to me, some form of falsification, whereby cropping may leave parts out contextually, editing could involve injecting sounds, video, etc.) and supposedly, the video was taken out of context. The Whitehouse almost immediately condemned her words, the NAACP later did the same and finally, when the full context of the video was released, did an about-face and condemned the Whitehouse and NAACP for their original condemnation. This story is a multi-level example of how things can be twisted and I for one thought when the video was originally released and in the first hour, that’s exactly what Breitbart wanted to do/show. I further think, that was the ultimate goal without actually getting someone fired, although, a mid-level functionary such as Ms. Sherrod could be used a cannon fodder to prove a point. In the end, I believe she did get her job offered back to her (not looking it up, it’s not important for the process of this post).

There are so many detractors for different events these days, unless you are standing there (and sometimes then, they can spin the crap out of things after-the-fact and make you think that what you saw wasn’t really what you saw), that NOTHING is as it seems. The entire world has turned into “Wag the Dog” with a dose of David Copperfield, David Blane and Chris Angel for good measure. I can guarantee you, any major news story, when read from only one source, can sway your judgement to the point that you are from that point forward, if you don’t immediately seek input from other sources, determined “that’s the way it happened alright.” Again, it’s just not the media, it’s individuals as well. Eye witnesses, setting on chairs, 10 ft. from the event, will give you many different versions of what-happened. They cannot simply give you a chronological list of events as they occur during the activity. They’ll inject their views and opinions into their retelling of the event, making it damn near impossible, unless they’re on the witness stand, under-oath and otherwise being hammered by a top-notch prosecutor, to get the truth, the whole-truth and nothing but the truth, so help them God. They’ll give you an account of what happened alright, but it’s what happened in *their minds* and how the person was affected as a youth by being beaten by his father and how the person had spent time in a Turkish Prison which caused him to like getting it up the arse by a flea infested camel, that’s what happened. Yea.

It’s time people come to realize, the truth matters. It’s not about what-all you can get out of someone with little to no effort. It’s about how much integrity you have and how well you treat your fellow man. The time for “salesperson” mentalities are over. It’s time to quit judging and start witnessing the truth. To witness doesn’t just involved seeing or hearing something happen, it’s about relaying that information to someone else. “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.” Don’t lie! Tell the truth! Stand up for what’s right and just, not for what’s popular at that particular time. Don’t inject opinion where an opinion isn’t warranted. Tell it exactly like it happened. Pass information on to others as if your life depends on the truth to be told. For Pete’s sake, stand for what’s right and not for what you can get right now!


More about honesty and integrity… and a little consideration to boot.

09.12.2010 (9:39 am) – Filed under: Dirge for the Repose of the Moronic,Interesting Theories

I was just reading this article:

Within that article, a professor states the following:

“The security clearance asks whether or not you’re a risk when it comes to sensitive material. This could be one indicator that, when taken together with others, creates a broader pattern that might suggest you’re not a person to be hired,” said Pepperdine University law professor Gregory McNeal, who specializes in national security law.

They may very well take into account your opinion, as a job candidate, whether or not you think WikiLeaks is a good thing or bad thing for the country,” he said. “It’s a small issue, but one to approach with caution if I were a student seeking a job in the national security field.”

E-mails went out last week to students at several schools, including Boston University’s School of Law, Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service and Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs, cautioning students against commenting on or posting links to the documents on social media sites such as Facebook or Twitter.

Do you realize what that professor just said? Read between the lines. “Don’t admit that you’ve read these documents or you may not be able to get a security clearance.”

I’ve held that security clearance he’s speaking of. Let me tell you something, if you withhold the information and THEY find out about it, it’s a helluvalot worse than if you’re upfront about it to begin with.

Worse so than that, this professor is telling students not to admit they’ve read the wikileaks documents. They’re also saying that the information contained therein is still classified material of the U.S. Federal Government. Are they telling students these things to get them to falsify their security clearance applications in order to more easily gain their security clearances? Why? Just to get a job? I think not.

It’s worrisome to me that a professor would first, not be aware of what they’re advising students to do or not to do. Secondly, it’s worrisome that they’re probably not just doing this for the sake of the students, but for some other nefarious reason. It’s also worrisome that people are going to point the finger at me and say I am a conspiracy nut, when in fact, we have proof positive (wikileaks docs) that there are sleepers inside the government and military willing to leak classified documents for their cause.

Where has the honesty, integrity and consideration gone in this country?

Why, as people of authority, are professors leading students down the road to a felonious charge by law enforcement? Lying on a security clearance application is a crime. And they’re doing this in a public forum. A friggin CNN interview! My God!



More Than 1000 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims – Challenge UN IPCC & Gore

09.12.2010 (8:53 am) – Filed under: Escendo Transitus

More than 1000 dissenting scientists (updates previous 700 scientist report) from around the globe have now challenged man-made global warming claims made by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and former Vice President Al Gore. This new 2010 320page Climate Depot Special Report — updated from 2007′s groundbreaking U.S. Senate Report of over 400 scientists who voiced skepticism about the so-called global warming “consensus” — features the skeptical voices of over 1000 international scientists, including many current and former UN IPCC scientists, who have now turned against the UN IPCC. This updated 2010 report includes a dramatic increase of over 300 additional (and growing) scientists and climate researchers since the last update in March 2009. This report’s release coincides with the 2010 UN global warming summit being held in Cancun.

Read the Original Article

The truth is, global warming has halted.

06.12.2010 (9:29 am) – Filed under: Escendo Transitus,Unmitigated Sons of Bitches
“…Read carefully with other official data, they conceal a truth that for some, to paraphrase former US VicePresident Al Gore, is really inconvenient: for the past 15 years, global warming has stopped.”

“…Earlier this year, a paper by Michael Mann – for years a leading light in the IPCC, and the author of the infamous ‘hockey stick graph’ showing flat temperatures for 2,000 years until the recent dizzying increase – made an extraordinary admission: that, as his critics had always claimed, there had indeed been a ‘ medieval warm period’ around 1000 AD, when the world may well have been hotter than it is now.”

“..He wrote: ‘The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment, and it is a travesty that we can’t.’…”

“..Actually, with the exception of 1998 – a ‘blip’ year when temperatures spiked because of a strong ‘El Nino’ effect (the cyclical warming of the southern Pacific that affects weather around the world) – the data on the Met Office’s and CRU’s own websites show that global temperatures have been flat, not for ten, but for the past 15 years…”

“…After the leak, Trenberth claimed he still believed the world was warming because of CO2, and that the ‘travesty’ was not the ‘pause’ but science’s failure to explain it.”

“…The question now emerging for climate scientists and policymakers alike is very simple. Just how long does a pause have to be before the thesis that the world is getting hotter because of human activity starts to collapse?….”

Read more: