Department of Inconvenient Truths
Indicium Parilis Facultas ne Necessarius Veritas

…coming to a head.

There’s a problem that’s been around for a very long time that I feel we’re on the cusp of it coming to fruition. I’ve been involved, in one way or another, in various “privacy” oriented websites for going on two decades. I’ve been affiliated with individuals and organizations that have known for a very long time about the issues just being presented to the general population by wikileaks in regards to the CIA’s ability (along with the NSA) to listen in on just about anything they choose. No one really listened to us, not in vast numbers. Only those with the *feeling* that it could happen, those on the “fringe”. Now, it’s out and it’s making headlines (it was released by wikileaks today). Most all of this is old news to me and many of my friends. We’re not shocked, we’re not surprised. Yes, we could say “I TOLD YOU SO”, and we would be correct. For years, we’ve talked about the ignorant masses (no slight intended, look up the definition of “ignorant”) going about their daily lives without a care in the world when it came to stuff like this. We’ve provided alternative sources of communications to mask your identities in some shape or form (Tor and, but not many people listened to us. Are you worried about the smart TVs listening in on your daily conversations? Do you care if your refrigerator (Internet of Things) spies on you? Of course not. You could give a shit less. And that, is by design. I am not going to go into it much further than that, but your sports television, your reality t.v. and your prime time dramas, coupled with piss poor public education have all led the masses to be dulled down to the point of being controlled by the powers-that-be, and that should hit you right in the face. What once was a conspiratorial theory on the fringe of society was just proven by wikileaks to be 100% true, if by way of circumstantial evidence.

The crux of the issue is, if all of this is going on around us, how are those among us that really give a shit, going to communicate in an open manner befitting those that are supposedly living in a *free* society where debate and anti-government discourse was supposedly great for society in general? (If you don’t believe me, read the papers of our founding fathers where the First Amendment came from and it’s intent).

You, the individual without a care in the world about such things, don’t really matter in the grand scheme. You are a pawn. Who matters are those of us that will make a difference, those that will fight for “freedom” (whatever the hell that really is) and liberty (non-existent idea these days).

The government controls you. You’ve become complacent. You like your luxuries. You want a warm bed, easy to obtain food, great entertainment spewing forth from the idiot box. You want to take your wife and kids out on a 7 day vacation where they can play in polluted waters, around radiation infused fish, while being further inundated with more mind control by fuzzy characters with big floppy feet, singing two syllable words to the marching beat of a socialist army of idiots. And you’re just fine with that. You don’t want to pay health care insurance premiums. You worked for 20 years and your company offered you a pension and free healthcare for life and there’s nothing wrong with that! If the company goes into bankruptcy, it’s the gummints problem! They should bail out your healthcare plan! You worked! You’re owed something!

You lazy bastards need to get off of your asses and take care of yourselves and you shoulda done it 20 or more years ago. But no, you were too ignorant to plan ahead.

Ant and the grasshopper, all over again.

Back to my point.

Facebook is compromised. It is no longer a valid way of communicating. They’re censoring posts by way of labeling them “disputed”. “Disputed” doesn’t mean “fake”. It means that something is being considered as being untruthful, considered being the operative word. Who is doing the disputing? Considering the left leaning tendencies of Facebook proper, if something isn’t in their line of reasoning, it is disputed. Slanted. Tainted. For years, our information that we put out concerning the Three Letter Agencies was “disputed”. We were called kooks. Now that it’s been realized and released? Vindication. However, Facebook controls communications. True, there’s other avenues to communicate (which could also be censored), however, the ignorant masses, once again, have been controlled by the shiny object dangled before them by their masters. Stay on Facebook. That’s all you need.

Blogs were once a thing, there’s still a lot of them out there, but the growth has slowed. There are other avenues, but not nearly as wide spread as Facebook. And of course, Facebook and their government counterparts know this and they’re exploiting you, your data and advertisers because of it. And you’re letting it happen.

I am not. I am here, on my blog, explaining something, once again, that will come to light in another 15 or 20 years.

Puppets. That’s what society has become. 360 million puppets.