Department of Inconvenient Truths
Indicium Parilis Facultas ne Necessarius Veritas

Brian Keith

15.10.2018 (8:57 am) – Filed under: Berenst#in Bears

My father passed away in 1998. Brian Keith’s Wiki is showing him as dying in 1997, self inflicted gunshot wound.

Prior to Brian Keith starring in Hardcastle and McCormick, circa 1985 or so, my father made a statement out of the blue one day, while “Family Affair” was on the television in the house “…Brian Keith committed suicide with a gun.” I can remember that I was very young and those are my father’s exact words. I cannot remember exactly how old I was or exactly when dad said such, but I do remember it was prior to the days of Hardcastle and McCormick.

Is this another case of the berenst#inbears problem? Well before either the berenst#inbears or mandele effect existed?