Department of Inconvenient Truths
Indicium Parilis Facultas ne Necessarius Veritas

Aug 17 2017

18.10.2017 (10:18 am) – Filed under: Berenst#in Bears

On August 17 2017, there was an observed collision of stars that caused a “ripple effect” of space/time due to gravitational wave fluctuations. Could this be the cause of variations in the observed Universe? Could this be the cause of the “Berenst#in” Bears problem?

Around 130 million years ago, two dead stars violently collided and set off a sequence of events that, over the last two months, have whipped astronomers on Earth into an absolute frenzy.

At press conferences held across continents, scientists today announced the first detection of gravitational waves created by two neutron starssmashing into each other.

First theorized by Albert Einstein in 1916, gravitational waves are kinks or distortions in the fabric of space-time caused by extremely violent cosmic events. Until now, all confirmed detections involved a deadly dance between two black holes, which leave no visible signature on the sky.

…coming to a head.

There’s a problem that’s been around for a very long time that I feel we’re on the cusp of it coming to fruition. I’ve been involved, in one way or another, in various “privacy” oriented websites for going on two decades. I’ve been affiliated with individuals and organizations that have known for a very long time about the issues just being presented to the general population by wikileaks in regards to the CIA’s ability (along with the NSA) to listen in on just about anything they choose. No one really listened to us, not in vast numbers. Only those with the *feeling* that it could happen, those on the “fringe”. Now, it’s out and it’s making headlines (it was released by wikileaks today). Most all of this is old news to me and many of my friends. We’re not shocked, we’re not surprised. Yes, we could say “I TOLD YOU SO”, and we would be correct. For years, we’ve talked about the ignorant masses (no slight intended, look up the definition of “ignorant”) going about their daily lives without a care in the world when it came to stuff like this. We’ve provided alternative sources of communications to mask your identities in some shape or form (Tor and, but not many people listened to us. Are you worried about the smart TVs listening in on your daily conversations? Do you care if your refrigerator (Internet of Things) spies on you? Of course not. You could give a shit less. And that, is by design. I am not going to go into it much further than that, but your sports television, your reality t.v. and your prime time dramas, coupled with piss poor public education have all led the masses to be dulled down to the point of being controlled by the powers-that-be, and that should hit you right in the face. What once was a conspiratorial theory on the fringe of society was just proven by wikileaks to be 100% true, if by way of circumstantial evidence.

The crux of the issue is, if all of this is going on around us, how are those among us that really give a shit, going to communicate in an open manner befitting those that are supposedly living in a *free* society where debate and anti-government discourse was supposedly great for society in general? (If you don’t believe me, read the papers of our founding fathers where the First Amendment came from and it’s intent).

You, the individual without a care in the world about such things, don’t really matter in the grand scheme. You are a pawn. Who matters are those of us that will make a difference, those that will fight for “freedom” (whatever the hell that really is) and liberty (non-existent idea these days).

The government controls you. You’ve become complacent. You like your luxuries. You want a warm bed, easy to obtain food, great entertainment spewing forth from the idiot box. You want to take your wife and kids out on a 7 day vacation where they can play in polluted waters, around radiation infused fish, while being further inundated with more mind control by fuzzy characters with big floppy feet, singing two syllable words to the marching beat of a socialist army of idiots. And you’re just fine with that. You don’t want to pay health care insurance premiums. You worked for 20 years and your company offered you a pension and free healthcare for life and there’s nothing wrong with that! If the company goes into bankruptcy, it’s the gummints problem! They should bail out your healthcare plan! You worked! You’re owed something!

You lazy bastards need to get off of your asses and take care of yourselves and you shoulda done it 20 or more years ago. But no, you were too ignorant to plan ahead.

Ant and the grasshopper, all over again.

Back to my point.

Facebook is compromised. It is no longer a valid way of communicating. They’re censoring posts by way of labeling them “disputed”. “Disputed” doesn’t mean “fake”. It means that something is being considered as being untruthful, considered being the operative word. Who is doing the disputing? Considering the left leaning tendencies of Facebook proper, if something isn’t in their line of reasoning, it is disputed. Slanted. Tainted. For years, our information that we put out concerning the Three Letter Agencies was “disputed”. We were called kooks. Now that it’s been realized and released? Vindication. However, Facebook controls communications. True, there’s other avenues to communicate (which could also be censored), however, the ignorant masses, once again, have been controlled by the shiny object dangled before them by their masters. Stay on Facebook. That’s all you need.

Blogs were once a thing, there’s still a lot of them out there, but the growth has slowed. There are other avenues, but not nearly as wide spread as Facebook. And of course, Facebook and their government counterparts know this and they’re exploiting you, your data and advertisers because of it. And you’re letting it happen.

I am not. I am here, on my blog, explaining something, once again, that will come to light in another 15 or 20 years.

Puppets. That’s what society has become. 360 million puppets.


…interesting twist.

03.11.2015 (7:24 am) – Filed under: Berenst#in Bears

Some of you may have read my “Berenst#in Bears” problem post. On Facebook, I had more interesting discussions, including my inability to remember former U.S. House of Representative’s former Speaker Dennis Hastert. I should, because I am a news junkie and somewhat of a politics follower, be able to recall a Speaker of the House, I mean, I know the rest of them…. So why not Hastert?

Well, in an interesting twist…. his portrait has gone missing in the House…

I have no theory for this, it is what it is.

Berest#in Bears Problem

09.07.2015 (9:10 am) – Filed under: Berenst#in Bears

You’re about to enter one of the weirder sides of my research.

As much as I detest the fact that just about everything I write about I feel the need (or the need is really there) to explain it, I am not going to go into much detail about the history involved in this particular category of this blog. I will give it a brief paragraph of explanation, the rest, follow the links and learn more about it elsewhere. My primary reason for doing it this way, I don’t want to fall into a rabbit hole that has absolutely no potential what-so-ever (at least that can be perceived by me) to ever be fully vetted. This is something you either accept or throw out as garbage. I simply accept it to be true, based on observation and my own memories.

The “Berenst#in Bears Problem” stems from a change in historical documentation of particular events. In my mind, I recall the cartoon as being titled “Berentein Bears”, in other people’s minds and in all “official” documentation, the title is “Berenstain Bears”. One could easily dismiss this as being a bad memory function for some of us, if there wasn’t other such occurrences during our lifetimes that stand out as memory anomalies. There are many theories on how this occurred and many other recollections that are sworn to be “true”, but are in fact, completely wrong, based on current historical documentation. Furthermore, once you read into this and get a better understanding, this document itself will become useless at some point in time because the document will change when the phenomenon occurs again in the future, which in turn, will change history and thus, anything that is documented in this universe will be changed accordingly, instantaneously, without anyone really knowing, and if the author of said document travels to the different universe, their recollection will be of the original document, but if that author doesn’t move to the different universe, their memories will be changed. Whew. Confusing as hell. It’s even harder to put it on paper.

Here’s a good starting point for more information:

Now, for my first example.

This is a memory that I recall as vividly as possible, considering the amount of time that has passed. This memory is as clear to me as any other memory from the same era (1970s).

When I was a kid, there’s various T.V. shows that stand out in my mind as being those that my father and I used to watch together. Very strong memories in deed. First, “CHiPs” comes to mind, as does “Sanford and Son” and “Chico and the Man”. I say this without researching to find out if any details that I recall are different than what’s been documented. That being the case, I will continue to not go to IMDB and do any research, so if you want to sit down and chat with me some day, at least for these three shows, we can do so and you can research as you pick my brain and then we can analyze what, if anything, is different in my mind from that which is documented or that you remember.

I bring the above mentioned shows to your attention because I want to use those as indicators for memory recollection of the time period. During this time period, there were several other shows I used to watch, such as “Adam 12”, “The Six Million Dollar Man”, “Emergency”, “Baa Baa Blacksheep” and the point of this particular example, “High Sierra”. If you do an IMDB search of “High Sierra”, in this particular universe, you *should* find that “High Sierra” was a Robert Conrad show in the mid 1990s. I’ll go check right now to make sure….. and sure enough, there’s a listing for it right here. The problem is, that’s 1995, not 1975’ish. I recall watching this show with my dad, in the “t.v. room” of our house (the house he built). I recall the t.v. as it sat in the corner of the room, the couches, the snacks we had, some parts of the show, etc. And I know, beyond any doubt, that I did not watch this show in the 1990s, which is a full 20 years from when I watched the show. I know that Robert Conrad starred in the 70s version, as he is listed as being the star of the 90s version. There’s no other mention of a “High Sierra” t.v. show previous to or in addition to the 1990s listed version, and if you check out Robert Conrad’s IMDB listing, there’s no other “High Sierra” listed there either.

EDIT: I want to explain this slightly. Yes, memories can be wrong, yes, especially with simple things or things we don’t think about on an every day basis, things can slip our minds… however, in this case, I grew up in the fire service and I learned rope-rescue, started with rappelling with friends as a 12 year old kid, and furthered my fascination with ropes from within the fire service as I turned 16 years old. My fascination with ropes, rock climbing, etc. stems from my recollection of this TV show. High Sierra was why I got into ropes and the chance to learn how to do the things I saw them do on T.V. and I remember time and time again recalling the show, especially during the classes I took in the fire service from 1986 forward and well before learning about his “berenst#in bears” theory.

Folks, I am not the only one experiencing these things. There are many other people out there experiencing the same type of memory recollection failures. I’ll post other examples later. But again, I don’t want to fall into a rabbit hole and not have a ladder, so I am going to treat this as a little escape from reality from time to time. Stuff like this doesn’t happen without a reason.

There is no spoon.

but the scientists said….

08.07.2015 (11:35 am) – Filed under: Escendo Transitus,The Goreacle!,Unmitigated Sons of Bitches

. and now….. more scientists are saying…. but the scientists said….. now the scientists are saying…..

the heads of liberals are exploding…… too much information! cannot comprehend!

“I would say that basically global warming is a non-problem,” Dr. Ivar Giaever announced during a speech at the 65th Nobel Laureate Conference in Lindau, Germany, last week, according to Climate Depot.

Quoting Obama’s warning that “no challenge poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change,” Giaever said it was a “ridiculous statement.”

“I say this to Obama: Excuse me, Mr. President, but you’re wrong. Dead wrong,” he said, according to Climate Depot.

More evidence of tampering with climate data

09.02.2015 (1:54 pm) – Filed under: Escendo Transitus

There’s more evidence coming to light regarding the wide-spread tampering of global climate date from the 1800’s onward in an attempt to not only fabricate false “high” readings, but to change the actual reported temperatures from around the globe. This tampering has “cooled” the earlier years and “warmed” the latter years, all in an effort to change the public’s perception of how climate change has (or has not) occurred during the industrial era.

You don’t need to believe me, simply look at the FACTS. No, not the facts you’ve been spoon fed by the governments, the facts as they were, as archived in various publications over the years, prior to an “agenda” taking over and tampering with the evidence:

 ‘The average state temp records used in current trends analysis by NCDC do not reflect actual published records of such as they appeared in Monthly Weather Reviews and Climatological Data Summaries of years past…looked at entire years of data from 1920s & 1930s for numerous different states & found that this ‘cooling’ of old data was fairly consistent across the board…Is this purposeful mendacity, or just another example of confirmation bias at work?’


Past 19 Years: No Global Warming

02.09.2014 (10:37 am) – Filed under: Escendo Transitus,The Goreacle!,Unmitigated Sons of Bitches

You’ve been had. Each and every one of you that believed in the “global warming” conspiracy have been had.

You’re all a bunch of dolts. Morons. Idiots.

You’re the exact type of mindset the left loves to prey upon.


Professsor Ross McKitrick says in a new paper that the warming pause has now lasted an astonishing 19 years at the surface and 16-26 years in the lower troposphere:



Got blankets?

29.04.2013 (8:35 am) – Filed under: Escendo Transitus,The Goreacle!

‘We could be in for a cooling period that lasts 200-250 years. The period of low solar activity could start in 2030-2040.’

Global warming which has been the subject of so many discussions in recent years, may give way to global cooling. According to scientists from the Pulkovo Observatory in St.Petersburg, solar activity is waning, so the average yearly temperature will begin to decline as well. Scientists from Britain and the US chime in saying that forecasts for global cooling are far from groundless. Some experts warn that a change in the climate may affect the ambitious projects for the exploration of the Arctic that have been launched by many countries.

As I’ve said many times, the Goreacle owes us a huge refund.

refund our “Green Dollars”

24.04.2013 (12:34 pm) – Filed under: Escendo Transitus,The Goreacle!

We expect a full refund, including the Goreacle’s Nobel Prize…

“If we could look back at this region of Antarctica in the 1940s and 1830s, we would find that the regional climate would look a lot like it does today, and I think we also would find the glaciers retreating much as they are today,” comments Eric Steig, a senior earth-sciences boffin at the University of Washington and the lead author on the new research.


Global Warming Downgraded

26.01.2013 (2:39 pm) – Filed under: Escendo Transitus,The Goreacle!

As I’ve said time and time again, there’s no such thing as “global warming”. Climate change, yes. But that is a naturally occurring fact of nature. It happens. It’s not “man made”. The alarmists are full of shit and here’s more proof:


Global warming is likely to be less extreme than claimed, researchers said yesterday. The most likely temperature rise will be 1.9C (3.4F) compared with the 3.5C predicted by the Intergovern­mental Panel on Climate Change. The Norwegian study says earlier predictions were based on rapid warming in the Nineties. But Oslo University’s department of geosciences included data since 2000 when temperature rises “levelled off nearly completely”.—John Ingham, Daily Express, 26 January 2013

The Earth’s mean temperature rose sharply during the ­Nineties. This may have caused us to overestimate climate sensitivity. We are most likely witnessing natural fluctuations in the climate system – changes that can occur over several decades – and which are coming on top of a long-term warming.——Professor Terje Berntsen,University of Oslo, 24 January 2013

These results are truly sensational. If confirmed by other studies, this could have far-reaching impacts on efforts to achieve the political targets for climate.—Caroline Leck,Stockholm University, 25 January 2013

This research confirms what we have been saying all along. The global warming standstill of the last 16 years is having a dramatic effect on climate models and predictions. The Met Office should now reassess its own, flawed ­computer models and tone down the alarmist pronouncements which are no longer trustworthy. –The Global Warming Policy Foundation, Daily Express, 26 January 2013

Looks like it’s time for that piece of shit Al Gore to give back his Nobel Prize and all that money he’s scammed the world out of.