Department of Inconvenient Truths
Indicium Parilis Facultas ne Necessarius Veritas

…daydreaming: when will my lay-off occur?

15.07.2009 (12:24 pm) – Filed under: Politika Scope

I am sitting here wondering when one or more of my several employers will lay me off because of the new MANDATORY INSURANCE BILL that’s being rammed through Congress…

I want you to take a look at this contorted flow chart of what’s involved in making sure everyone has the RIGHT to government sponsored health-care:



More of my wages spent supporting the United Welfare States of America.

I won’t be laid off because they have to buy the insurance or offer it to ME and I won’t need to purchase an additional insurance policy because I have health coverage…. however, and bear with me on this…

There’s many other folks that work for my employer(s) and most of these folks do not have health coverage. My employers currently cannot increase wages. Therefore, if they’re to offer group health insurance and by this new bill that’s being rammed through, everyone MUST have health insurance… see where I am going? If these folks could get health insurance now, I’d say they would. They cannot afford it, so they don’t get it. The employers cannot raise wages, in fact, some of my employers are already laying off workers. Therefore, people won’t be able to afford mandated insurance coverage, the employers cannot provide it by themselves. Doors will close and even though I have insurance through my wife’s employer, I will be getting laid off from at least one and probably more of my employers…. All because some democrat came up with the idea that everyone should be covered.

Not to mention, our insurance rates just went up 38%. We were paying $217.00 per month for both of us, now it’s over $280.00. One month later and a 38% increase with no serious health problems in the past three or so years (or more) and I haven’t so much as had a really serious health problem in all of my life.

What you’ll see is higher unemployment because people cannot afford to work and pay huge insurance premiums. They’ll simply quit working and go on unemployment or they’ll “get hurt” at work and go on worker’s comp. Then, they’ll never recover from their “injury” and apply for Social Security benefits. The government won’t be allowed to investigate these claims because it’s an invasion of privacy or some such bullshit……

Inundate the system with enough garbage and the system will crash.

More evidence of The Cloward-Piven Strategy of Orchestrated Crisis.