Department of Inconvenient Truths
Indicium Parilis Facultas ne Necessarius Veritas

Honduras Update

20.07.2009 (7:37 am) – Filed under: Politika Scope

From the Wall Street Journal Article:

“Article 239,” Mr. Estrada noted, “specifically states that any president who so much as proposes the permissibility of reelection ‘shall cease forthwith’ in his duties, and Article 4 provides that any ‘infraction’ of the succession rules constitutes treason.” Congress had little choice but to take its next step. It convened “immediately after Zelaya’s arrest,” Mr. Estrada wrote, “condemning his illegal conduct, and overwhelmingly voting (122-6) to remove him from office.”

By the laws enacted by a duly elected democratic congress, laws we previously had no problems with, laws that uphold proper democratic process, the Congress of Honduras acted with integrity by disallowing their President from breaking these laws in order to further his reign of power.

For those that don’t know, Honduras President Zelaya attempted to usurp the balance of power and increase his term by changing the laws of the land that disallow the office of President to hold more than two terms. These term limits, as imposed partially by our own government, allow for the democratic process to function correctly. These terms limits, as imposed, are to be STRICTLY ENFORCED per their constitution. It is a MANDATE, if anyone even attempts to change these guidelines, immediate removal from office shall occur.

This is a WONDERFUL thing. No one, especially the folks in power within these United Welfare States of America, should hold office for longer than 12 years. As it stands, Supreme Court Justices, Senators, among others, are allowed unlimited terms of office. Supreme Court Justices go one step further and circumvent the election process. Once in office, they stay in office until the day they die.

Terms Limits is a fundamental principle of a democratic society. No one person should stay in the same office indefinitely.

Hoorah! for Honduras and the Honduran Congress. Do not cow-tow to leftist ideals and allow Zelaya to return to office.