Department of Inconvenient Truths
Indicium Parilis Facultas ne Necessarius Veritas

…baby’s first steps.

22.07.2009 (4:31 pm) – Filed under: Politika Scope

With any plan, function, event or life, at it’s inception, the basic principle includes to “take that first step”. The first step of a rational, ethical and moral upheaval in these United Welfare States of America has begun.

Over the past 20 years, many books and movies have made headlines concerning the militia groups in America, spouting their rhetoric concerning the Constitution and inalienable rights as granted by the founding fathers. Many theories have evolved unto the nature of the future of militia groups in America. Many altercations have ensued due to troubles between the ATF, FBI, etc. vs. militia groups, the right to keep and bear arms and the FACT that the Amendments doesn’t note “automatic rifles” as being illegal.

Hate groups such as White Supremacists, Neo-Nazis, etc. have spouted their non-sense for years and that’s what made the headlines and that’s what moderate America has repelled. The platform by which these groups stand is based on hate and ignorance for sure.

Some militia groups, not all, but a few, are founded on the principles of our founding fathers – the minute men that answered our country’s call-to-arms at a moment’s notice to fight against the English Oppressors. Taxation without representation, etc. These militia groups you seldom hear from. They don’t get into any real trouble. They maintain themselves within the limits of Federal Law in order to stay out of trouble and continue with their normal lives.

While I don’t condone all of the actions of the Feds during some of the incidents, involving militia groups, I do agree that some action was needed. Was the action taken appropriate for the issue at hand? No chance. But some action needed to be taken. Perhaps to sit down and negotiate? Lord knows our government loves to negotiate with real enemies of the state. Unlike these “real enemies”, our fellow citizens that decide to have an 18″ sawed off shotgun instead of an 18 1/2″ sawed off shotgun are perceived enemies of the state because they have broken a Federal Law. While people in places such as China break International Law and good moral ethics when it comes to individual rights, including killing innocent babies as soon as the head breaches the birth canal, we decide to negotiate.

What may you ask is my point to this particular soap-box entry?

Why, State Rights of course!

Sarah Palin became the second governor in America to sign a State Legislative Resolution that points out the Federal Government, what rights the States allow the Federal Government to have. Contrary to popular beliefs, the Federal Government doesn’t control the States. The States are mandated by law to control the Federal Government.

I have been preaching for years that a second civil war is approaching. It is just over the horizon and I can feel it moving toward us. I see the next civil war being between the standing Federal Government and the individual States within the Union. I do not see all States participating, because, well frankly, some of the States are loaded with a bunch of pussies scared to death to do anything without the authority of their perceived Federal Masters.

For more info on this and other elements of the baby steps toward the next civil war, start by reading this.