Department of Inconvenient Truths
Indicium Parilis Facultas ne Necessarius Veritas

To Catch You Up

06.08.2007 (3:21 am) – Filed under: Self Absorption

2007 has been a very busy year for the ole Colonel. I’ve been through a lot this year. However, compared to last year, the events in 2007 have been exactly the opposite. Last year was horrible. It was probably the worst year of my life. Everything about 2006, up until the last two weeks and a brief two week period back earlier on, sucked.


I could go into detail, but I won’t because there’s people out there that will take things the wrong way…. aw fuck it, who am I kidding… I am the Colonel and I will tell it like I see it.


Early in 2006, my girlfriend at the time got ill again. Well, after everything was said-and-done, she left to live with her mother and father in Alabama. I thought she was gone for good. So, after a lot of sulking around, I had a little triest with someone I met. It didn’t last because I found out my girlfriend wanted to “come home”. Because of her condition and because of my ignorance, I helped her move back. This did not work out well for me. She became ill once more and that led us into the early days of 2007.


I decided that I had to do something for myself. So, I talked her into breaking up. For a few weeks, I went out with different chicks. I did the bar scene, the renewal of old relationships and finally, I called that someone special from last year. Now… heh. Things couldn’t be better. I have the most wonderful and understanding wife in the world. She gets me. She gets me in every way. I’ve been with her less than a year and she already knows me as well as anyone else has in my entire life. I’ve never been treated this good. It’s as if I’ve been dating amateurs all these years and finally found someone that knows what they’re doing…. in every aspect.


Anyway, since Jan 2007, I’ve been to Vegas, Washington D.C., Alabama and Pensacola Florida. I’ve went out with 19 year olds and been chased by a harem of others. I’ve found “THE ONE” and have settled down into a new home with a new girl. I have a new outlook on life and all of my friends, old and new, say that I look and act like a Brand New Man. That’s exactly what I am. A Brand New Man. I have a new lease on life and I am living it to it’s fullest. I have wonderful in-laws and the most appreciative and special girl in the world.


If you read this and get pissed, keep it to yourself. I don’t fucking care. I am tired of hearing how YOU feel. You re-read the above, be happy FOR ME FOR ONCE and deal with it. I’ve been there sucking hind-tit all these years. It’s time I had a life worth living.Comments? If you don’t have something good to say about the above, keep your goddamn mouth shut.