Department of Inconvenient Truths
Indicium Parilis Facultas ne Necessarius Veritas

Martial Law by November?

Many of us are watching with increasing attention, the goings-on with President Barrack Hussein Obama. These maneuvers of he and his staff are increasingly aligned with historical events, in particular, similar to those of a young Austrian named Adolph Hitler.

Of course, many Obamabots would label me as being a kook for even thinking such a thing, but mark my word, if we don’t keep an eye on this George Soros Sock-Puppet, by November 2010 or at the latest, November 2012, you’ll see moves such as delaying elections or possibly Martial Law, labeled as being “for the good of the country” and “for continuation of government”, “in times of crisis, the continuity of government”, blah blah blah.

Be afraid. Be very afraid!


Addendum: As I wrote this blog entry, in walks an investigator from the FBI. No, that doesn’t happen often, it’s not common-place and I don’t work in a situation where I would find myself before an FBI investigator on a regular basis.