Department of Inconvenient Truths
Indicium Parilis Facultas ne Necessarius Veritas

X-Files Season 11 Episode 4: The Lost Art of Forehead Sweat

02.02.2018 (2:06 pm) – Filed under: Berenst#in Bears

Mengele Effect

Mandela Effect

The Berenst#in Bears Problem

You can’t imagine the excitement I felt when I watched this week’s episode of the X-Files. Once I figured out the context of the script, my mind went into overload. This is the first time I’ve ever seen anything on prime time or in a movie that dealt with the Berenst#in Bears Problem (aka Mengele Effect, Mandela Effect). Sure, there’s books on the subject. And maybe, there just may be a movie out there that deals with this, but I haven’t seen it. To see it on a prime time drama, especially one of my all time favs, and this being a conspiracy theory (or an unexplained phenomenon) that I truly believe in (one of the very few), really set me back.

Sure, the episode, when considered with all X-Files episode, probably sucked. It was full of cheesy alien special effects, circa 1960’s television. But the subject matter, even though they took a light-hearted approach (or did they? with Skinner’s question at the end) to the subject matter, it made it into the mainstream.

Perhaps you’ve landed here, because of that episode!

One thing they could have added, was a mention of the actual Berenst#in Bears Problem, that would have been icing on the cake!

And for those sites referring to this episode as “The funniest” X-Files episode, shame on you! We should not be promoting such things! The X-Files should NEVER be considered “funny”. Sure, there may be some funny things that occur here and there, but to consider an entire episode as “FUNNY”???? The writers have lost their f’in minds! Stop that!

But alas, at least it made it into the minds of some of the average people that don’t normally believe in such things.