Department of Inconvenient Truths
Indicium Parilis Facultas ne Necessarius Veritas

Downward Spiral of Society

15.08.2024 (9:47 am) – Filed under: Epic Failures,Humanity,Pro Bono Philosophy

Several months ago, perhaps as much as a year ago, I realized something. I already knew that we [Americans] as a society are living with our heads in the sand. What then, did I realize a year ago? It doesn’t matter what truth is revealed, it doesn’t matter who reveals that truth, it doesn’t matter the clout the influencer has, if what I consider to be “the truth” is ever proven and released to the general public that we as a society are heading toward a complete and total collapse of the American Way of LifeĀ® – nothing will ever be done. No words will reverse this trend. It’s going to happen and there’s no stopping it. There’s not enough backbone left in America to make it happen, which I believe stems from my theory that everything is corrupt, there’s no ethics left in society and morality is lost.

What’s caused this?

  • Greed
  • Gluttony
  • Envy
  • Lust
  • Vanity

Yes, this list has religious undertones, but they’re also a common problem with society, regardless of religious intent or not.

How is everything corrupt?

There’s not a single person that I know of, friend or otherwise, that are 100% ethical. That’s not to say it’s proof of my theory, however, when you can’t rely on anyone to not “use the buddy system” for favor, there’s a problem. Everyone, every person I know, do unethical things. Most people I know devoutly religious or not, are immoral to a certain degree. Cognitive biases disallow them the ability to see it.

I myself, have my own shortfalls, faults, immoral and unethical moments, but I do realize it and live with it. I don’t turn a blind eye to my own transgressions, I have plenty of faults. I am sure, others are knowingly doing the same thing – and living with it.

Until we can turn inwards and make changes to ourselves, no amount of pressure put forth from society will make those changes come to fruition.