Department of Inconvenient Truths
Indicium Parilis Facultas ne Necessarius Veritas

Arctic Ice

21.02.2009 (11:39 pm) – Filed under: Escendo Transitus,Interesting Theories,Politika Scope

The other night, my wife and I were playing dueling laptops in the bed and messing around with google earth. I was teaching her how to create her own maps, about the coordinate system, placemarks, etc. She was well on her way to becoming a geographical whiz, when I noticed something odd on google earth. Not one shred of ice was evident on the north pole. Now, I don’t know about you folks, but I remember back in school, the globes and maps had ice placed on both polar caps. The conspiracy nut inside of me said that the global warming nut jobs had infiltrated google and they were covertly putting out their propaganda to influence today’s tech generation.

Tonight however, I was browsing the Drudge Report and found this little morsel.

Ironic? Strange? Damn sure fascinating. An under educated redneck was able to see a change in the poles where the scientists of the world missed it? I wonder what else they’ve missed?


Michael Phelps

03.02.2009 (12:06 am) – Filed under: Inductum Ego

anyone that thinks the majority of todays youth won’t smoke pot is blowing smoke up their own arses. there’s nothing substantially wrong with what he did. it’s a “right of passage” that no one wants to own up to. you show me 10 kids that you know that will swear they’ve never smoked pot and i will show you 7 liars. which would you rather entrust with the confidence of your own kids? liars or someone that has smoked pot and admits it?


Climate Change

31.12.2008 (2:13 pm) – Filed under: Escendo Transitus,Politika Scope

First, I want to lead off this article with links to others (better educated and better informed others I might add) that believe the same way I do on this subject:

Article 1

Article 2

Article 3

Article 4 (doesn’t anyone else think this is nuts?)

The above will be added to as more relative links are found.


My thoughts on “Global Warming”. I don’t work for large corporations that make their money off of robbing the environment. Actually, one of my primary employers is a liberal attorney. While we don’t see eye-to-eye on many issues, I consider the senior partner in this firm a really close friend. We hunt and shoot guns together (a liberal? that shoots guns? oh my god!), we fish, tell stories and otherwise just sit around and shoot the breeze. At any rate, my point is, I don’t make money from folks that would consider my thoughts on global-warming a bolster to their way of life.

I believe that “global warming” and the “climate change” that you hear about in the news is nothing more than a conspiracy from the left to influence public opinion about big corporation, in particular, big-corporate-america. I believe this all stems from an L.A. Times article, written in the early seventies that went through without a shread of proof stating that climate change is a direct result of the industrial revolution. See also “State of Fear” by Michael Crichton.

At any rate, I seriously believe that the entire “climate change” issue is a conspiracy brought about by leftist hippies in an obtuse attempt to bring about the collapse of large corporations in an effort to bring about a more socialist and/or communist way of life to America.

There you have it. And that’s the way it is……..


I am not taking drugs!!!

16.07.2008 (12:12 am) – Filed under: Lull for the Drone

No matter what I look like!!!!


Civil Unrest….

21.04.2008 (8:25 pm) – Filed under: Interesting Theories

That’s a politically correct way of saying “Civil War”. Welp, we’re on the verge of it. Mark my word, if something doesn’t change in the next 10 years, the United States of America, as we know it, we’ll probably not exist. We’re on the verge of something catastrophic. We’re currently seeing gas prices go to new heights. The price of food, if it’s available, is jumping through the roof. We’re seeing food shortages in different places across the country. Because of fuel prices, truckers are about to go on strike. There’s more warnings of gun control coming down through survivalist websites. The first amendment is allowing the press to get away with anything and everything, yet, religion and individual rights are being usurped in the name of law enforcement and “moral judgment”.

Drug use is on the rise, unemployment is down, however, the number of high-pay, medium skill jobs are way down. Many, not all, of the folks working in service industries such as hotels and restaurants are sub-prime employees with various degrees of criminal histories, low work-ethics and generally, of poor employee character. Many people would rather take the risk of criminal activity, rather than spend their time doing real work. The borders are being crossed daily by illegal immigrants, without much in the way of an effort to stop it. There’s a multitude of stories being presented to the American people in the form of books, movies and t.v. depicting yet another civil war. It’s in the minds of the educated and those in power. And in my opinion, it’s only a matter of time.


WordPress Updates

14.04.2008 (3:32 pm) – Filed under: Admin Gone Postal

Did I ever mention……

Even though WordPress has a “Three Step Update”, sometimes, things just don’t go as planned? When I do my blog, it’s rather easy and I don’t have to worry about things going wrong, as I just popped into the server, write a few unix commands and fix it….. I get use to what I write, how I write and what widgets I use. However….. On a friends wordpress powered site, I don’t write posts, I just upgrade.

Well, needless to say, her site was upgraded this morning and it’s still not 100%. I have isolated the problem to being something on the backend of wordpress, but I cannot fix it myself. I don’t dare go into the wordpress forums, else I be chastised in one form or fashion. So….

Here I sit, waiting for a minor update to come out…

Hopefully soon.


If Foreigners Could Vote….

26.03.2008 (3:03 pm) – Filed under: Politika Scope

If Foreigners Could Vote in the U.S. 2008 Election……


Say what?

Here’s an excerpt from a Wall Street Journal article:

“…U.S. presidential contests often attract interest from foreign countries. The world’s sole superpower has such an impact on the globe that, as a Belgian newspaper recently suggested, the rest of the world may feel it should be allowed to vote, too.”

Um, I believe that’s one of the reasons the Magna Carta, the U.S. Constitution, the U.S. Bill of Rights, The Declaration of Independance, etc. was written…. ehh?

Of course, one might say, since a large percentage of America has been sold to foreign interests, this foreign interests should have a vote?

That article of course mentions that the U.S. is the sole “Super Power” in the World today. That in itself means one thing: No, foreigners don’t have a right to vote here and when/if you really think you do, step up to the plate and take a good ass kicking. We ARE the sole super power on the globe today, there’s nothing militarily that you can do about it. Why? Because we will kick your ever-lovin’ guts lose. Don’t like it? Who the fuck cares? America isn’t the World’s Police Force and shouldn’t be used as such. We do the bidding of the United Nations, NATO and every other bleeding heart mother fucker out there. It’s time to take care of business, at home.

It’s time to close the borders, cut off foreign aid to anything but PURE HUMANITARIAN REASONS. No more bolstering the economies of foreign governments, no more “special trade agreements” and “most favored nation” status’ for other countries.

We should not mettle. It’s wrong for the U.S. to put it’s noses in the business of other countries. On the other hand, it’s none of the other country’s business what we’re up to. Isolationism didn’t work for FDR because we couldn’t project the power that we didn’t have. I believe that point is pretty well moot at this juncture. We have the power. We don’t need to project it. Let someone give us a try and see what happens to them…. Oh wait, the Taleban felt our wrath in the hills of Afghanistan after Pearl Harbor 2001, so did Saddam and Iraq.

Should we pull out of Iraq? Absolutely. Just as soon as they give us enough oil to repay the debts incurred during our total annihilation of Saddam’s regime. We’re the victor. To the victor go the spoils. Don’t like it? Suck it. Don’t like that? Suck another one. Remember, we have the power to do whatever, whenever, we want. We’ve gotten rid of one of the worst mass murderers in history, twice. In WWII, we didn’t see much of the spoils of war. In Iraq, we should hold the pink slips to dozens of oil fields, refineries, etc. Giving those up because some little pissant country like France whines about it is moronic. Simply place a couple dozen tank divisions in Paris, a carrier group or two in the Med and spin up an air-wing or two in Germany, what the fuck is France gonna do about it? Just look upFrench Military Victories in Google and hit the “I feel Lucky” button.

I’ll guarantee I am not the only Red Blooded American that feels this way and I know for a fact the feeling is becoming more widespread as the days go by.


Power to the People! …or fire fighters :-)

29.01.2008 (6:45 pm) – Filed under: Politika Scope

Recently, a bill was introduced to my State’s legislature regarding potential law that would allow something that myself (as a Fire Chief) and just about every other fire fighter in my area, was against. In an effort to educate my delegates on the issue, we (my fire fighter friends and I) went on a campaign to fight this bill and what it represented. I just got word from a State Fire Commissioner that the bill was “being sent back” and would be rewritten for just the county that originated the bill (for their county, not everyone).


This is proof-positive that if you have an issue with something, thoughtful debate among your peers and the folks “in power” will prevail. After a week of emails and phone calls, we’ve proven our point and the bill is being adjusted accordingly.


This also proves that a debate among intelligent individuals, bound and determined to do “what is right” will eventually be fruitful. A little light is shining in a somewhat dim area known as “politika”. I just wish a debate of this sort could happen on other avenues of Flaggdom.



E.T., Bigfoot, War and Politics

24.01.2008 (3:28 am) – Filed under: Interesting Theories

Surely there’s something in common with all of these? What you’ve seen and many learned individuals have stated for years is, when a politician or country is “in trouble”, the spin doctors go to work and come up with various methods of either spinning the story their way or getting your mind off the subject. Over the years, we’ve seen it time and time again. One movie in particular, “Wag the Dog”, deals directly with this common practice and shows how a war is started in order to get your mind off some political nightmare or another.


Something I’ve noticed over the years and wasn’t really conscious of the “issue” (so to speak) is something that’s happened but I cannot give you examples because I haven’t jotted down a note about it because I didn’t realize it at the time (now however, I have noticed and I am “jotting down a note” via my blog). It’s kindofa catch-22 situation for previous experiences. I am not 100% sure of the things I’ve noticed because I didn’t write them down…. however, the pseudo-examples I have, are from memory and of course, there’s a good chance that I am giving you incorrect examples. For the sake of introducing you to what I am trying to explain, here’s one such pseudo-example that may or may-not be correct:


Back in the early 80’s, Chuck Norris did a movie called “Delta Force”. At the time, the government and the military kept the existence of “Delta Force” a rather well-guarded “secret”. Why? Perhaps it was because of their methodology. Perhaps a large majority of America, just getting past the Vietnam era, didn’t agree with this type of war-waging. There’s plenty of reasons, it’s their business and I am not going to argue with the fact that they wanted to keep it quiet. My point is, there was information out there, else, someone would not have written the screenplay and possibly the book, dealing with Delta Force. Where did the information come from? Nay-sayers would say that enough people had served with Delta that eventually, someone would talk about it. While I whole-heartedly believe the security of a secret decreases exponentially with the number of people that know about it, I also know what it’s like to hold a security clearance and to remember that I have an obligation to keep my mouth shut about things I’ve learned.


Both of those points above can only bring up the logical deduction that even though there are people out there like me, probably the majority that have held a security clearance, that take it very seriously and wouldn’t reveal anything. On the flip side of that, the sheer statistics dictate that there will be people out there that will divulge secrets and therefore, that’s where the info about Delta came from. However… “What if…..” What if the government wanted you to learn about a certain subject, such as Delta in this case without making a press release and without conspiracy nuts going crazy about it? If the government tells you one thing, there will be thousands of conspiracy nuts that will rip the statement to pieces and maybe garner headlines in the process, overshadowing the good with the bad. “What if….” What if the government decided to leak the information (which if by written order would be LEGAL to do so) in such a manner as to present a very likable image of the subject? What if they leaked just enough information to allow the creative juices to flow and write a screen play such as the Chuck Norris movie?


Back during World War II, the movie industry was manipulated by the military to produce war films that would do several things, two of which were: 1) Raise money for the War Bonds that were being sold/issued and 2) Increase enlistment by quality individuals, those in college or graduates thereof, etc. The military manipulated then and later during the Korean and Vietnam eras and later in the 70’s & 80’s by subjecting producers and directors to scrutiny over their scripts. If the military were favorable to a particular script, they would help the movie makers get the film in the can. If they were unfavorable, military personnel and equipment were withheld and limited or no support was given to the film makers.


Take “Apocalypse Now” for instance. Francis Ford Coppola ask for, but did not receive help from the military when filming the movie. He had to hire, at great expense, equipment and personnel from I think the Philippines in order to get the film produced because the military did not think the film reflected well on the military. I seem to recall, one of the specific reasons was because the military didn’t feel that an officer should be sent to assassinate another officer. I believe they encouraged Coppola to change the plot and have the Colonel brought in, rather than killed. Coppola wouldn’t change the script and therefore, didn’t receive the backing of the military.


So, what’s my point?


My point is, when the government wants to release info to the public, it will do so in several different ways and because our government is so good at it, the sublime doesn’t escape their methodology nor does subterfuge and dropping mysterious clues.


I sincerely believe that our government considers the public to be so naive that we the people cannot handle the truth about certain subjects. I believe there are those in power (in government, industry and education) that consider the public too ignorant to conceive that things such as “Bigfoot”, “UFO’s & E.T.s”, “The Lochness Monster” are real and if the public find out these things are real…. or even if one of these things are real, the people will lose faith in their governments. Stock markets will fail, pandemonium will ensue and chaos will reign supreme, whereby “they” will lose control of “us”.


As I said, over the years, I have noticed several things like my Delta Force example above. Currently, I am seeing a trend or two coming about….. There’s been an increase of “Bigfoot” programs on cable. There’s been an increase in “end of the world” movies and t.v. as well, such as the new Will Smith movie that’s just came out… I am Legend. The History Channel’s new series about when humans are gone. Also, we’ve recently been inundated with UFO/ET programming and movies. Not to mention the reality shows such as Survivor Man and Man vs. Wild.


How would a government go about informing the public that Armageddon was at hand? Do you expect a nightly news announcement? How about a nice little emergency broadcast system ticker during your favorite prime-time t.v. show? Seems a little silly to think a talking head would appear on t.v. and tell you that the end is near, especially considering some of the other ways the government have manipulated our entertainment experience over the years… makes you wonder doesn’t it?

Below, I’ll list some examples as I find them:

Alien on Mars? NASA speaks out.





this just in…

15.01.2008 (4:59 pm) – Filed under: Politika Scope

The Original…..

Ask the Native Americans about immigration.