Department of Inconvenient Truths
Indicium Parilis Facultas ne Necessarius Veritas

Such a lovely month…. in Arizona!

22.06.2009 (9:30 pm) – Filed under: Escendo Transitus

Since 1913, records show, June 2009 to be the coolest in recent Arizona history.

hang in there sunshine!

20.06.2009 (11:31 am) – Filed under: Dirge for the Repose of the Moronic

Recently snipped from an email sent to me:

“…I don’t care if you lick windows, ride the short bus or occasionally pee on yourself. You hang in there sunshine – you’re friggin’ special.”


one of these days….

15.06.2009 (3:25 pm) – Filed under: Escendo Transitus,Inductum Ego

all of you that read my anti-global-warming posts and stick your noses in the air and call me an idiot will finally see the truth. you’re being duped by the libbies in order to take down the big corporations and to look good in the spotlight while they’re spouting off at the mouth about a subject they’re wrong about.

if it happens in the next few years…. maybe it will, maybe it won’t…. but if it happens, if it’s shown that global warming isn’t occuring…. do you think you’ll get a retraction by al-diot gore or any of the hollybbies?

lol… no chance in hell.



15.06.2009 (3:24 pm) – Filed under: Escendo Transitus,Inductum Ego,Politika Scope

….if someone would have bonked Al Gore in the head, perhaps we wouldn’t starve to death.

maybe we should go outside and start all of our cars and spray aerosol cans of hair spray all day long so the world will warm up enough to sustain food crops?

fuck al gore and his noble prize.


The Windy City’s Climate Change

15.06.2009 (12:30 pm) – Filed under: Escendo Transitus,Politika Scope

More broken weather records for the U.S. as June 2009 proves to be the coldest on record for Chicago.

brrrrrrr…… freezing my canola off!

09.06.2009 (11:52 pm) – Filed under: Escendo Transitus

even more global cooling going on up in Canada.

record high in Greenbay is a LOW!

07.06.2009 (6:50 pm) – Filed under: Escendo Transitus

Yet another example of how the globe ISN’T warming as they say it is!

So hot, it’s snowing!

06.06.2009 (10:37 pm) – Filed under: Escendo Transitus

Global Warming is getting so bad, it’s June and there’s snow falling in North Dakota!

this is simply outrageous….

23.03.2009 (11:12 pm) – Filed under: Politika Scope,Unmitigated Sons of Bitches

of course i hate the media. especially smart-assed punk bitches that sit behind a mic and poke fun at everything coming and going. must be the reason i don’t spend much time watching comedians. i pretty much hate watching people be made a fool of. sure, in real-life, among friends, it’s ok to poke at each other from time to time… i don’t really like seeing folks being poked at over a shortcoming, other than sheer stupidity from a semi-intelligent person. no, if a person is mentally handicapped, i don’t like to see them on the receiving end of something… but this, this simply takes the cake:

Check this out.

Most of the time, I like FoxNews. I believe the actual news programs are more fairly balanced than the weak minded leftist sympathizers at CNN. The other cable news programs are mostly trash. I cannot believe they’d allow something like this to air. It baffles me that a professional organization like FoxNews would allow this. Canadians and their military have been one of our best allies through the ages. I am disgraced than America would be represented in this manner.

Just another reflection of the mind-set of 20ish and 30-something Americans and how they attempt to make a joke out of everything. Grow up people. It’s about time we took things more seriously and got out of the comedy routines.


…hell hath frozen over.

25.02.2009 (3:42 pm) – Filed under: Politika Scope

I agree with Senator Robert Byrd from my home state of West Virginia (on one particular issue that is):

 Senator Byrd Opposes Obama

Wow. I never thought in a million years that the old bastard would go against his party.

I know what will happen here. After all these years of folks following Senator Byrd and defending him to the death, his constituency will begin to start bucking him, stating that “..he is too old and out of touch to be a Senator. He doesn’t know what he’s saying.” Etc. Etc. These will be the same folks that have defended him for years, stating that he’s the one writing his rhetoric, not his aids. And now, with an opposing view of the
Messiah’s, he will be labeled too old and frail to continue with his Senatorial Work.