Department of Inconvenient Truths
Indicium Parilis Facultas ne Necessarius Veritas

Liberal Censors…

16.07.2009 (11:31 am) – Filed under: Politika Scope

We’ve long known that education institutions led by Liberal Educators, whether high school teachers, college instructors, undergrads or full professors, are very liberal biased (in general and statistically).

Documentary discussing liberal censorship
Documentary discussing liberal censorship

In March of 2007, the Documentary “Indoctrinate U” was introduced as an eye-opener for many people across the nation. Although stifled by the Liberal Media and other Hollyliberals, the documentary digs deep into American higher education institutions, showing documented evidence and eye-witness accounts of the never ending censorship of conservative thought at these supposed bastions of independent reason.

I am married to a conservative elementary school teacher. She has her Masters + from a Private University. While I won’t go into her views, I admit her into this discussion simply for the fact that being married to a teacher allows me the opportunity to be introduced to a multitude of other teachers at her school and in our school system. Most of the teachers that I have known and have been introduced to through my wife are libbies. Some are extremely militant liberals. Some, border of fascists. From what I have read and heard from friends at “unofficial” liberal colleges and universities, the folks at Indoctrinate U are spot-on when discussing on-campus attitudes toward conservative views. Censorship by the anti-censors.

Double standards for the lefties? OMG! Could it be? They’re censoring people? Surely not! They stand for everything that’s right and just! LOL! NOT! Just another example of the Great Liberal Conspiracy and how it further consumes the general population of these United Welfare States of America.


Barrack Hussein Obama isn’t eligible to be President of the United States of America

15.07.2009 (2:01 pm) – Filed under: Politika Scope

The headline above  says it all….

Barrack Hussein Obama isn't eligible to be President of the United States of America
Barrack Hussein Obama isn’t eligible to be President of the United States of America

Not really “news”, but definitely something I haven’t blogged about. I really can’t explain “why” I haven’t written about this subject, considering how irate I became when I had a look at the information available on the subject and judged the information to be correct: Barrack Hussein Obama isn’t a natural born citizen of the United States of America in no-way-shape-or-form. His mother was living in Kenya when he was born, although she was an American Citizen, the law 0nly allowed those living abroad to give birth on American Soil, such as Embassies, Military Bases, etc. to be able to claim “Natural Citizenship”.

Obama hasn’t provided the “long form” birth certificate necessary to establish the place of birth. Until a long form is provided and vetted, his Presidency is a sham.

Barrack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya
Barrack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya

Current members of our Nation’s Military are protesting the unconstitutional election of Barrack Hussein Obama by refusing illegal orders given by an illegal commander-in-chief. One such person in particular, Major Stefan Frederick Cook, an Army Engineer about to be deployed to Afghanistan, sought and received a withdrawl of orders from the Army stating “As an officer in the armed forces of the United States, it is [my] duty to gain clarification on any order we may believe illegal. With that said, if President Obama is found not to be a ‘natural-born citizen,’ he is not eligible to be commander-in-chief…”


…daydreaming: when will my lay-off occur?

15.07.2009 (12:24 pm) – Filed under: Politika Scope

I am sitting here wondering when one or more of my several employers will lay me off because of the new MANDATORY INSURANCE BILL that’s being rammed through Congress…

I want you to take a look at this contorted flow chart of what’s involved in making sure everyone has the RIGHT to government sponsored health-care:



More of my wages spent supporting the United Welfare States of America.

I won’t be laid off because they have to buy the insurance or offer it to ME and I won’t need to purchase an additional insurance policy because I have health coverage…. however, and bear with me on this…

There’s many other folks that work for my employer(s) and most of these folks do not have health coverage. My employers currently cannot increase wages. Therefore, if they’re to offer group health insurance and by this new bill that’s being rammed through, everyone MUST have health insurance… see where I am going? If these folks could get health insurance now, I’d say they would. They cannot afford it, so they don’t get it. The employers cannot raise wages, in fact, some of my employers are already laying off workers. Therefore, people won’t be able to afford mandated insurance coverage, the employers cannot provide it by themselves. Doors will close and even though I have insurance through my wife’s employer, I will be getting laid off from at least one and probably more of my employers…. All because some democrat came up with the idea that everyone should be covered.

Not to mention, our insurance rates just went up 38%. We were paying $217.00 per month for both of us, now it’s over $280.00. One month later and a 38% increase with no serious health problems in the past three or so years (or more) and I haven’t so much as had a really serious health problem in all of my life.

What you’ll see is higher unemployment because people cannot afford to work and pay huge insurance premiums. They’ll simply quit working and go on unemployment or they’ll “get hurt” at work and go on worker’s comp. Then, they’ll never recover from their “injury” and apply for Social Security benefits. The government won’t be allowed to investigate these claims because it’s an invasion of privacy or some such bullshit……

Inundate the system with enough garbage and the system will crash.

More evidence of The Cloward-Piven Strategy of Orchestrated Crisis.


Oh Boy! Obama!

10.07.2009 (10:11 am) – Filed under: Politika Scope






Um, yea, she’s like 16. A little perverted glance in the wrong direction me thinkst.

The Great Liberal Conspiracy

09.07.2009 (8:37 am) – Filed under: Politika Scope

I will be the first to admit that I am not a PoliSci major. Never wanted to be. I have no interest in becoming a politician-by-trade. Although, I wouldn’t mind working at the State Legislative level in attempt to help make my State and Local governments a little better. What’s the difference you might ask? I want to HELP, not become a career politician. Most of the folks that ‘get there’, wind up becoming a career politician, living off the tax-payer’s dime for the rest of their lives. Sure, I work for some government agencies, it’s nice to get back a few of my tax dollars once in awhile. But I am no where near being a full time employee of the government.

Back on track. So…. over the years, I have developed a theory concerning the extreme liberal left. In my mind, I put together everything that I had seen and heard over the years and developed a theory that basically made me think there is a conspiracy to overthrow our government. Crazy, right? That’s kinda what I thought…… until last night… when I found a few websites written by PoliSci types that have deeply investigated the libbies and connected them in ways I had no clue was there. Some of these connections make perfect sense when I consider my personal theory that I could “see” in my minds-eye, but of course, thought was crazy because of the sheer magnitude of the conspiracy that would be needed. That coupled with the fact that I am not a political scholar by no-means. Not being educated in a particular field doesn’t mean one cannot understand what’s going on. It just takes someone a bit longer to see the entire scope of the operation.

I imagined, in my theory; Back in 1969, several left-wing-nut-jobs were sitting around a camp fire next to their chartruese micro-bus, singing “Cum By Ya” and tripping on some acid, while contemplating how to “take down the system”. It’s easy they’d say: “….man, all we have to do to beat the man is to play on his play ground, within his set of rules and just bend them slightly once in awhile. dude.” — or something like that. How hard is it to imagine that a group of “enlightened” young college types would have this conversation. I’d say conversations such as this took place thousands of times during the 60’s and 70’s. However, one such group made slight advances to getting to their ultimate goal, which was of course actually DOING IT.

Here’s a website that shows the links between these 60’s hippies and their strategies to bring forth a new Socialist United States of America:

A good scientist doesn’t match theories in order to prove their own theory. I know this and completely understand it. The problem is, I wasn’t looking for a theory to match mine and had no clue one existed. Being a layperson in the world of politics, I don’t know all of the players behind the scenes, I don’t know the catch-phrases for certain events, etc. I do however know that “spreading the wealth” isn’t what this country was founded on and the majority of the people of these United States do not condone a government that is subversively changing the foundation by which we believe. I believed what I believed and didn’t really care if it did or did not match another’s opinion. Once I read the website above, I saw that it was completely possible that our government was well on it’s way to being overthrown and it really scared the hell out of me.

The Cloward-Piven Strategy of Orchestrated Crisis is completely possible because of one major factor: The heartland of America is so complacent in their lives, they cannot believe a strategy such as this would be implemented by their politicians and academics. The general public is so naive when it comes to politics, they’re still under the impression that the democratic process of voting and electing, the branches of government and the overall “process” still works, if given enough time to “work itself out”. I fear that’s no longer the case and if we continue to allow this complacency without due diligence, we’re going to lose this country as we know it, either to internal socialists or foreign interests.

Flash News! I am not the only one!

08.07.2009 (7:57 pm) – Filed under: Escendo Transitus

Recently copied from, I’ve found someone else of a kindred spirit concerning the Global Warming Conspiracy/Cult:

Have you ever noticed how global warming alarmists exhibit all the characteristics of those normally belonging to religious cults? (The numbered quotes below are from the American Family Foundation’s list of cult characteristics:

1. “The group is focused on a living leader [e.g. The “Goracle” or the “One”] to whom members seem to display excessively zealous, unquestioning commitment.”

2. “The group is preoccupied with bringing in new members.”

i. It is assumed (and expected) that you already accept man-made global warming as fact; after all, “the debate is over.”

3. “The group is preoccupied with making money.”

i. Al Gore, climatologists, green groups, General Electric, and the federal government (to name a few) are heavily invested in the business of global warming.

ii. For example, General Electric stands to make billions if Cap and Trade is enacted.

4. “Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished.”

i. Questioning the theory of man-made global warming is tantamount to denying the holocaust (so don’t do it, you flat-earther, you!).

5. “Mind-numbing techniques are used to suppress doubts about the group and its leader(s).”

i. Have you attended a university and/or watched mainstream media (e.g. MSNBC) lately?

ii. Again, we are told that “the debate [over global warming] is over.” That’s funny; I don’t remember there being a debate.

6. “The leadership dictates sometimes in great detail how members should think, act, and feel.”

i. The mantra is “green” is good, and everything else is an abomination.

7. “The group is elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s), and members (for example: the leader is considered the Messiah or an avatar; the group and/or the leader has a special mission to save humanity).”

i. Those who live “green” lifestyles are saving the planet; everyone else is killing it.

ii. Recently, “[Nancy] Pelosi linked global warming to environmental justice, saying the right to a clean environment is also a human right” (

8. “The group has a polarized us-versus-them mentality, which causes conflict with the wider society.”

i. Those who do not support “green” ideas, products, laws, etc. are heretics.

9. “The group’s leader is not accountable to any authorities.”

i. The Goracle flies to environmental speaking engagements in Gulf Stream jets while we, the commoners, are supposed to ride bikes to work and use one-ply toilet paper.

10. “The group teaches or implies that its supposedly exalted ends justify means that members would have considered unethical before joining the group (for example: collecting money for bogus charities).”

i. Obama believes the government should bankrupt the coal industry (through Cap and Trade legislation) even though most of our electricity comes from coal.

ii. The First World uses official development aid as tool to influence energy policy in the developing world by funding “green” energy projects (e.g. solar panels and wind farms) while refusing to fund “non-green,” cheaper, more reliable, energy sources (e.g. coal and natural gas).

11. “The leadership induces guilt feelings in members in order to control them.”

i. “What?! You’re not driving a hybrid?”

ii. If CO2 is a pollutant, then if you are exhaling, you are polluting. According to this logic, merely by existing, all humans are destroying the planet (Never mind the fact that volcanoes release far more CO2 each year than the entire human population combined). Therefore, it is extremely selfish to have children. In fact, any increase in the human population is bad. Human beings are a nothing more than a malignant growth on this planet.

12. “Members’ subservience to the group causes them to cut ties with family and friends, and to give up personal goals and activities that were of interest before joining the group.”

i. Obama (5/16/08): “We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times.”

I could keep going, but you probably get the idea.

— Woody

Michael Jackson: Child Molester?

08.07.2009 (7:14 pm) – Filed under: Dirge for the Repose of the Moronic

One of the most honest and truthful videos I have ever seen or heard from a politician. Good for him!

My Politics

06.07.2009 (11:44 pm) – Filed under: Politika Scope

As I’ve ranted previously, some of you like to assume that I am a conservative nut. Far, far, far from the truth. Here’s my latest “political compass” graph. I take this about every six months or so, to see where I stand and if my feelings have changed. I have basically stayed the same since I first took this well over 9 years ago.

As you can see, I am “in the middle” on most of my views. This is about the same area that I’ve been in for the last 10 years or so. If you know me, and you know a lot about me, you’ve always probably considered me a conservative. Nothing is further from the truth. As you can see from my compass, I lean toward the left. Can you just imagine what someone like Margaret Thatcher would be like?

NYC: Central Park, Coolest June in 50+ Years

06.07.2009 (3:19 pm) – Filed under: Escendo Transitus

If you don’t believe me or the mainstream media, how about the National Weather Service?

what the hell!?!?!?!?!

29.06.2009 (9:34 pm) – Filed under: Politika Scope

We’re a democracy. We elect officials based on that FACT. What the FUCK is Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama think they’re doing by condemning the actions of a duly elected democratic congress of another nation while siding with the likes of Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro?

This is simply un-FUCKING-believable.

I call for a friggin impeachment of the mother fucker!