Department of Inconvenient Truths
Indicium Parilis Facultas ne Necessarius Veritas

Honduras Update Part 2

31.07.2009 (10:52 pm) – Filed under: Politika Scope


The author of this article says “Honduras’ coup-installed leader has…”, but I say what coup-installed leader? The countries Supreme Court found the (former) Honduran President to be in violation of the law and the countries legislature voted to remove the President from power.

In the US, if the same would have happened to President Nixon, if he would not have resigned, the Congress would have passed articles of impeachment and the Senate would have ratified it and the President could walk out or be escorted out of office.

Would the world have called the new US President a “coup-installed leader” I think not.

This was a peaceful transfer of power, through the constitutional process of Honduras and should be held up as a gold standard for the region and for the world. The UN, EU and US should all be tripping over each other to offer assistance so the rest of the world can see, it is ok to stand up and remove a head of state that is operating against the countries constitution.

However, what is being taught now is, if your country’s head of state (President or other) is preparing to grab all of the power and kick the constitution to the curb you better not do anything but let them take over and be tyrannical. Much the way that Adolf Hitler became powerful, through changing the laws while most everyone stood by and watched, but did not say a word.

What a great time our world could have had between 1939 and 1945 if the Germans would have held to their own law and removed Adolf Hitler, instead of bending, changing and replacing the law for him to rule supremely.

The people, military, congress and courts of Honduras, you are all to be commended and lifted up as a shinning example for others, including the US to follow. Thank you.

…baby’s first steps.

22.07.2009 (4:31 pm) – Filed under: Politika Scope

With any plan, function, event or life, at it’s inception, the basic principle includes to “take that first step”. The first step of a rational, ethical and moral upheaval in these United Welfare States of America has begun.

Over the past 20 years, many books and movies have made headlines concerning the militia groups in America, spouting their rhetoric concerning the Constitution and inalienable rights as granted by the founding fathers. Many theories have evolved unto the nature of the future of militia groups in America. Many altercations have ensued due to troubles between the ATF, FBI, etc. vs. militia groups, the right to keep and bear arms and the FACT that the Amendments doesn’t note “automatic rifles” as being illegal.

Hate groups such as White Supremacists, Neo-Nazis, etc. have spouted their non-sense for years and that’s what made the headlines and that’s what moderate America has repelled. The platform by which these groups stand is based on hate and ignorance for sure.

Some militia groups, not all, but a few, are founded on the principles of our founding fathers – the minute men that answered our country’s call-to-arms at a moment’s notice to fight against the English Oppressors. Taxation without representation, etc. These militia groups you seldom hear from. They don’t get into any real trouble. They maintain themselves within the limits of Federal Law in order to stay out of trouble and continue with their normal lives.

While I don’t condone all of the actions of the Feds during some of the incidents, involving militia groups, I do agree that some action was needed. Was the action taken appropriate for the issue at hand? No chance. But some action needed to be taken. Perhaps to sit down and negotiate? Lord knows our government loves to negotiate with real enemies of the state. Unlike these “real enemies”, our fellow citizens that decide to have an 18″ sawed off shotgun instead of an 18 1/2″ sawed off shotgun are perceived enemies of the state because they have broken a Federal Law. While people in places such as China break International Law and good moral ethics when it comes to individual rights, including killing innocent babies as soon as the head breaches the birth canal, we decide to negotiate.

What may you ask is my point to this particular soap-box entry?

Why, State Rights of course!

Sarah Palin became the second governor in America to sign a State Legislative Resolution that points out the Federal Government, what rights the States allow the Federal Government to have. Contrary to popular beliefs, the Federal Government doesn’t control the States. The States are mandated by law to control the Federal Government.

I have been preaching for years that a second civil war is approaching. It is just over the horizon and I can feel it moving toward us. I see the next civil war being between the standing Federal Government and the individual States within the Union. I do not see all States participating, because, well frankly, some of the States are loaded with a bunch of pussies scared to death to do anything without the authority of their perceived Federal Masters.

For more info on this and other elements of the baby steps toward the next civil war, start by reading this.



20.07.2009 (9:29 am) – Filed under: Pro Bono Philosophy

Why is it, when quoting from the Bible concerning the “flock” of the Church, the “Shepherd and his sheep” or other generalities involving a metaphor of “Sheep” and “People”, most don’t take this as an insult?

(1 Kings 22:17)  Then Micaiah answered, “I saw all Israel scattered on the hills like sheep without a shepherd, and the LORD said, ‘These people have no master. Let each one go home in peace.'”

(Psalm 77:20)  You led your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron.

(Psalm 78:52)  But he brought his people out like a flock; he led them like sheep through the desert.

(Psalm 79:13)  Then we your people, the sheep of your pasture, will praise you forever; from generation to generation we will recount your praise.

Moses, which I believe was a decent man, a spiritual man and a man decidedly against slavery, was depicted in the Bible as the person that led his flock to the land of Canaan and killed every man, woman, child and domesticated (perhaps other) animal in order to ensure the promised land to the Israelites. As I have said on many occasions, a just God, a merciful God, doesn’t wage war. Man wages war. Man has waged war on the principles he interprets as being “righteous and just”. Man has also led the masses, or “Sheep”, into believing and following a leader hell bent on causes not necessarily in the best interests of mankind as a whole.

Being “Sheep”, in the “Flock” or being led by the Shepherd, isn’t by any means, always a good thing.

(Psalm 44:22)  Yet for your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.

One would think, the above passage came from an extremist Muslim’s interpretation of the Koran, not a direct quote from the Christo-Judeo Bible. Yet, here we are, in the midst of a religeous war in the Middle East, believing that extremist Muslims are the only aggressors. From that passage alone could bring forth a multitude of Judeo-Christians with extreme beliefs justifying their course of violence in an ongoing Holy War. This Holy War is without borders. Violence begets Violence. Turn the other cheek is one part of the Bible soon forgotten.





Honduras Update

20.07.2009 (7:37 am) – Filed under: Politika Scope

From the Wall Street Journal Article:

“Article 239,” Mr. Estrada noted, “specifically states that any president who so much as proposes the permissibility of reelection ‘shall cease forthwith’ in his duties, and Article 4 provides that any ‘infraction’ of the succession rules constitutes treason.” Congress had little choice but to take its next step. It convened “immediately after Zelaya’s arrest,” Mr. Estrada wrote, “condemning his illegal conduct, and overwhelmingly voting (122-6) to remove him from office.”

By the laws enacted by a duly elected democratic congress, laws we previously had no problems with, laws that uphold proper democratic process, the Congress of Honduras acted with integrity by disallowing their President from breaking these laws in order to further his reign of power.

For those that don’t know, Honduras President Zelaya attempted to usurp the balance of power and increase his term by changing the laws of the land that disallow the office of President to hold more than two terms. These term limits, as imposed partially by our own government, allow for the democratic process to function correctly. These terms limits, as imposed, are to be STRICTLY ENFORCED per their constitution. It is a MANDATE, if anyone even attempts to change these guidelines, immediate removal from office shall occur.

This is a WONDERFUL thing. No one, especially the folks in power within these United Welfare States of America, should hold office for longer than 12 years. As it stands, Supreme Court Justices, Senators, among others, are allowed unlimited terms of office. Supreme Court Justices go one step further and circumvent the election process. Once in office, they stay in office until the day they die.

Terms Limits is a fundamental principle of a democratic society. No one person should stay in the same office indefinitely.

Hoorah! for Honduras and the Honduran Congress. Do not cow-tow to leftist ideals and allow Zelaya to return to office.



Tell it like it is Brother Ted!

19.07.2009 (11:47 am) – Filed under: Annals of a Redneck,Politika Scope

Liberal Censors…

16.07.2009 (11:31 am) – Filed under: Politika Scope

We’ve long known that education institutions led by Liberal Educators, whether high school teachers, college instructors, undergrads or full professors, are very liberal biased (in general and statistically).

Documentary discussing liberal censorship
Documentary discussing liberal censorship

In March of 2007, the Documentary “Indoctrinate U” was introduced as an eye-opener for many people across the nation. Although stifled by the Liberal Media and other Hollyliberals, the documentary digs deep into American higher education institutions, showing documented evidence and eye-witness accounts of the never ending censorship of conservative thought at these supposed bastions of independent reason.

I am married to a conservative elementary school teacher. She has her Masters + from a Private University. While I won’t go into her views, I admit her into this discussion simply for the fact that being married to a teacher allows me the opportunity to be introduced to a multitude of other teachers at her school and in our school system. Most of the teachers that I have known and have been introduced to through my wife are libbies. Some are extremely militant liberals. Some, border of fascists. From what I have read and heard from friends at “unofficial” liberal colleges and universities, the folks at Indoctrinate U are spot-on when discussing on-campus attitudes toward conservative views. Censorship by the anti-censors.

Double standards for the lefties? OMG! Could it be? They’re censoring people? Surely not! They stand for everything that’s right and just! LOL! NOT! Just another example of the Great Liberal Conspiracy and how it further consumes the general population of these United Welfare States of America.


Barrack Hussein Obama isn’t eligible to be President of the United States of America

15.07.2009 (2:01 pm) – Filed under: Politika Scope

The headline above  says it all….

Barrack Hussein Obama isn't eligible to be President of the United States of America
Barrack Hussein Obama isn’t eligible to be President of the United States of America

Not really “news”, but definitely something I haven’t blogged about. I really can’t explain “why” I haven’t written about this subject, considering how irate I became when I had a look at the information available on the subject and judged the information to be correct: Barrack Hussein Obama isn’t a natural born citizen of the United States of America in no-way-shape-or-form. His mother was living in Kenya when he was born, although she was an American Citizen, the law 0nly allowed those living abroad to give birth on American Soil, such as Embassies, Military Bases, etc. to be able to claim “Natural Citizenship”.

Obama hasn’t provided the “long form” birth certificate necessary to establish the place of birth. Until a long form is provided and vetted, his Presidency is a sham.

Barrack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya
Barrack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya

Current members of our Nation’s Military are protesting the unconstitutional election of Barrack Hussein Obama by refusing illegal orders given by an illegal commander-in-chief. One such person in particular, Major Stefan Frederick Cook, an Army Engineer about to be deployed to Afghanistan, sought and received a withdrawl of orders from the Army stating “As an officer in the armed forces of the United States, it is [my] duty to gain clarification on any order we may believe illegal. With that said, if President Obama is found not to be a ‘natural-born citizen,’ he is not eligible to be commander-in-chief…”


…daydreaming: when will my lay-off occur?

15.07.2009 (12:24 pm) – Filed under: Politika Scope

I am sitting here wondering when one or more of my several employers will lay me off because of the new MANDATORY INSURANCE BILL that’s being rammed through Congress…

I want you to take a look at this contorted flow chart of what’s involved in making sure everyone has the RIGHT to government sponsored health-care:



More of my wages spent supporting the United Welfare States of America.

I won’t be laid off because they have to buy the insurance or offer it to ME and I won’t need to purchase an additional insurance policy because I have health coverage…. however, and bear with me on this…

There’s many other folks that work for my employer(s) and most of these folks do not have health coverage. My employers currently cannot increase wages. Therefore, if they’re to offer group health insurance and by this new bill that’s being rammed through, everyone MUST have health insurance… see where I am going? If these folks could get health insurance now, I’d say they would. They cannot afford it, so they don’t get it. The employers cannot raise wages, in fact, some of my employers are already laying off workers. Therefore, people won’t be able to afford mandated insurance coverage, the employers cannot provide it by themselves. Doors will close and even though I have insurance through my wife’s employer, I will be getting laid off from at least one and probably more of my employers…. All because some democrat came up with the idea that everyone should be covered.

Not to mention, our insurance rates just went up 38%. We were paying $217.00 per month for both of us, now it’s over $280.00. One month later and a 38% increase with no serious health problems in the past three or so years (or more) and I haven’t so much as had a really serious health problem in all of my life.

What you’ll see is higher unemployment because people cannot afford to work and pay huge insurance premiums. They’ll simply quit working and go on unemployment or they’ll “get hurt” at work and go on worker’s comp. Then, they’ll never recover from their “injury” and apply for Social Security benefits. The government won’t be allowed to investigate these claims because it’s an invasion of privacy or some such bullshit……

Inundate the system with enough garbage and the system will crash.

More evidence of The Cloward-Piven Strategy of Orchestrated Crisis.


Oh Boy! Obama!

10.07.2009 (10:11 am) – Filed under: Politika Scope






Um, yea, she’s like 16. A little perverted glance in the wrong direction me thinkst.

The Great Liberal Conspiracy

09.07.2009 (8:37 am) – Filed under: Politika Scope

I will be the first to admit that I am not a PoliSci major. Never wanted to be. I have no interest in becoming a politician-by-trade. Although, I wouldn’t mind working at the State Legislative level in attempt to help make my State and Local governments a little better. What’s the difference you might ask? I want to HELP, not become a career politician. Most of the folks that ‘get there’, wind up becoming a career politician, living off the tax-payer’s dime for the rest of their lives. Sure, I work for some government agencies, it’s nice to get back a few of my tax dollars once in awhile. But I am no where near being a full time employee of the government.

Back on track. So…. over the years, I have developed a theory concerning the extreme liberal left. In my mind, I put together everything that I had seen and heard over the years and developed a theory that basically made me think there is a conspiracy to overthrow our government. Crazy, right? That’s kinda what I thought…… until last night… when I found a few websites written by PoliSci types that have deeply investigated the libbies and connected them in ways I had no clue was there. Some of these connections make perfect sense when I consider my personal theory that I could “see” in my minds-eye, but of course, thought was crazy because of the sheer magnitude of the conspiracy that would be needed. That coupled with the fact that I am not a political scholar by no-means. Not being educated in a particular field doesn’t mean one cannot understand what’s going on. It just takes someone a bit longer to see the entire scope of the operation.

I imagined, in my theory; Back in 1969, several left-wing-nut-jobs were sitting around a camp fire next to their chartruese micro-bus, singing “Cum By Ya” and tripping on some acid, while contemplating how to “take down the system”. It’s easy they’d say: “….man, all we have to do to beat the man is to play on his play ground, within his set of rules and just bend them slightly once in awhile. dude.” — or something like that. How hard is it to imagine that a group of “enlightened” young college types would have this conversation. I’d say conversations such as this took place thousands of times during the 60’s and 70’s. However, one such group made slight advances to getting to their ultimate goal, which was of course actually DOING IT.

Here’s a website that shows the links between these 60’s hippies and their strategies to bring forth a new Socialist United States of America:

A good scientist doesn’t match theories in order to prove their own theory. I know this and completely understand it. The problem is, I wasn’t looking for a theory to match mine and had no clue one existed. Being a layperson in the world of politics, I don’t know all of the players behind the scenes, I don’t know the catch-phrases for certain events, etc. I do however know that “spreading the wealth” isn’t what this country was founded on and the majority of the people of these United States do not condone a government that is subversively changing the foundation by which we believe. I believed what I believed and didn’t really care if it did or did not match another’s opinion. Once I read the website above, I saw that it was completely possible that our government was well on it’s way to being overthrown and it really scared the hell out of me.

The Cloward-Piven Strategy of Orchestrated Crisis is completely possible because of one major factor: The heartland of America is so complacent in their lives, they cannot believe a strategy such as this would be implemented by their politicians and academics. The general public is so naive when it comes to politics, they’re still under the impression that the democratic process of voting and electing, the branches of government and the overall “process” still works, if given enough time to “work itself out”. I fear that’s no longer the case and if we continue to allow this complacency without due diligence, we’re going to lose this country as we know it, either to internal socialists or foreign interests.